Bazarov, T.Yu.

Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Professor at the Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Cultural-Historical Theory and Social Psychology: A Nexus of IdeasLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2024, 4. p. 24-42read more656
Background. The relevance of the stated topic is determined by two circumstances: the need to determine the main directions of the theoretical and methodological reflection of modern social psychology and the task of explaining the socio-psychological aspects of cultural-historical theory.
Objective. Consideration of the relationship between the main ideas of the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky and the subject field of social psychology.
Methods. The article uses methods of deductive (axiomatic and hypothetico-deductive) and comparative analyses.
Results. The main theses of cultural-historical theory set the development and instantiation of the subject field of social psychology, starting with the well-known discussions of the 1920s. The main provisions can be identified as follows: the idea of the internalisation of social relations as a constructive mechanism of human socialisation; understanding the process of communication as instrumentally mediated by a system of signs which act as a means for a social subject to master his social behaviour; approval of the idea of human activity in interaction, the finite task of which is the formation of a common system of meanings. Using the example of similarities and differences in the historical views of L.S. Vygotsky and J.G. Mead, the authors analyse the possible range of understandings of interaction contextuality. It was the attention of cultural-historical theory to the analysis of interaction that largely determined the further interest of social psychology in the problem of “personality and/or situation”, the solution to which is still debatable.
Conclusions. The determining role of L.S. Vygotsky’s position for universal social psychology as well as for Russian is associated with the unremitting attention of researchers to one of the fundamental problems in the analysis of man and society, namely, to the problem of human interaction with the surrounding socio-cultural environment. The requirement to consider the social context as a methodological imperative of modern social psychology sets the main direction for the further development of theoretical and methodological reflection. This main direction is the analysis of possible relationships between the social context and social changes, leading to the need for empirical development of two problems: the individual psychological foundations of social choice and a person’s ability to resist the power of the situation.
Keywords: cultural and historical theory; social psychology; socio-cultural determination; social situation; sign; symbol; social context; personality DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-24-38
Change Response Styles and Teachers' Perceptions of Organizational Culture and Conflicts in the SchoolLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 3. p. 85-118read more1597
Backstage. There is a shortage of socio-psychological research devoted to the systematic consideration of the problem of teachers' attitude to changes in modern schools at three levels: organizational, interpersonal and individual-personal.
Objective of the study is to identify the interrelationships of change response styles with teachers' perception of organizational culture and conflicts in the school.
Methods. A questionnaire survey was conducted in a remote format using an online platform. Used: the questionnaire "Change response styles", "Methods of diagnosing the organizational culture of the school", the method "Conflicts in the educational environment".
Sample. The study involved 66 teachers of senior classes of secondary schools and lyceums in several regions of Russia (Zarechny city, Penzenskaya oblast; Lesnoy city Sverdlovskaya oblast; Novouralsk, Sverdlovskaya oblast).
Results. Teachers with a conservative change response style prefer a traditional stable environment and are focused on a resultive organizational culture of the school; they estimate the frequency of conflicts between teachers and pupils at school with the involvement of parents lower. Teachers with an innovative response style strive for constant progress and innovation and are guided by the innovative culture of the school; a positive correlation was revealed with the assessment of the frequency of conflicts between teacher and pupil with the participation of a parent. Teachers who are representatives of the reactive change response style have a hard time adapting to any type of change, prefer the role culture of the school; there is a positive relationship with the degree of emotional discomfort caused by several types of conflicts involving the teacher. Teachers with a realizing response style flexibly adapt to various changes and prefer innovative and family types of school culture; they have a negative relationship with emotional discomfort from conflicts involving the teacher.
Conclusion. The results obtained allow us to determine the perspective of further steps of the author's team, which consists in building a three–way model of the educational space "school ― pupil ― family" with the inherent properties of a systemic self-developing object.
Keywords: educational environment; change response styles; school organizational culture; perception of conflicts in the school DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.03.06
Course “Basics of communication” at the Faculty of Psychology of the branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Tashkent: development and holding experienceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 1. p. 78-93read more13744
In this paper authors describe offered course “Basics of communication”: its educational purposes and basic principles are listed, the content of five sections are described, and the forms of control knowledge are indicated. It is analyzed three years’ experience of conducting this discipline at Faculty of Psychology of Tashkent branch of MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov. It is concluded the positive role of the designed course in the professional development of studentspsychologists. It is given a list of promising directions of further improvement course in order to improve its effectiveness in addressing the identified problems of communication and communicative competence at the initial stage of professional socialization of psychologists.
Keywords: interaction; communicative competence; psychology students; socio-psychological adaptation; program of the course “Basics of communication”; training; feedback DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.01.78
Collective definition of the notion “competence”: An attempt to acquire semantic regularities from fuzzy expert knowledgeLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 1. p. 87-102read more7173
In this article the authors comment and discuss the results of the expert 16 definitions of the term “competence”. The participants were 45 psychologists of higher qualification (candidates and doctors of Sciences) — members of the Internet community of psychologists on the website They judged all definitions by means of 7 different rating scales. The resulting data cube 45×16×7 was analyzed by factor and cluster analysis. It was revealed 2 significant factor reflecting the level of popularity of definitions (the first factor), as well as the proximity-distance from the pole of terminological Russian national tradition (the second factor), mainly related to the concepts of “PVK” (PIQ in English “professionally important qualities”) and “ZUN” (KAZ in English — “Knowledge Ability-Skills”). Rating of the definitions by academic specialists was appeared to be close to the national tradition and evaluation of psychologists-practitioners closer to the Western tradition. Using cluster analysis discovered 4 robust clusters: 1) the competence as an area of authority and responsibility, 2) competence is the same as “PVK”, 3) the competence as mobilization the knowledge and skills to solve a specific task, 4) competences are descriptive units (elements) of effective professional activity. The most promising and creative approach, according to the authors, is the third cluster, in which an attempt is made to search a synthesis of the domestic (based on activity theory) and Western (behavioral approach) conceptual-terminological traditions.
Keywords: competence; competence; professionally important qualities; personnel assessment; personality traits; organizational context; organizational demands; expert judgments; factor analysis; cluster analyses
Experience of developing and holding of the course “Professional socialization of psychologist” at the Faculty of Psychology of the branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Tashkent.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 3. p. 112-126read more4721
In this paper authors discuss the problem of the fi rst stage of professional psychologists’ socialization, existing in the modern system of higher education and indicate the status of the problem in modern psychological literature. Provided the description of the course off ered by the authors “Professional socialization of psychologist”, listed educational goals and the basic principles of the discipline, described the content of fi ve sections, indicated forms of control knowledge. Analyzed the results of a survey of fi rst-year students conducted by the authors aft er the course. Discussed three main aspects: the overall students’ experience about the course, formal and informal learning eff ects. Th e conclusion about the role of the developed course in the professional socialization of psychologists. Based on two years of work created a list of prospective directions of further improvement of the course in order to increase its effi ciency in dealing with the identifi ed problems of the fi rst stage of professional socialization of psychologists.
Keywords: professional socialization; psychology students; socio-psychological adaptation; the course “Professional socialization of psychologist”; feedback
Specificity of changes in individual decisions during the group discussion in the virtual groups.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 1. p. 106-114read more4344
The article reviews the researches about decision making in small groups and group dynamics in virtual groups. We describe a number of phenomena that distinguish problem solving in virtual groups (VG) and in the real groups (RG). We present the results of empirical studies of the problem solving in the VG, formed from students of the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University.
Keywords: virtual communication; virtual groups (VG) ; real (face-to-face) groups (RG); decision making; normative and informational influence; conformity