The PC-based Questionary for S. Schwatz Method of Value Preferences was developed. Access to the system is carried out through Internet. The pilot monitoring was conducted using the sample of 711 seniors of the state public schools in Moscow in the age 16-18 years old. The psychometric validity and reliability of the Schwatz Method of the Value Preferences has been proved trustworthy. We have got the set of similarities and differences of the results got on the similar samples comparing our PC-based modification and traditional pencil-paper method. The PC system with distant internet access in its present development can be used for the scientific and applied research as well as for current monitoring of the public educational institutions.
value orientations (VO); PC-diagnostics; monitoring; internet-access; high school students age 16-18; psychometrics
The paper presents test questionnaire, developed by the author based
on methodology K. Yang and allows the quantification of the severity of the
degree of enthusiasm of younger teenagers playing computer games — CG).
The questionnaire contains 22 questions, defining five 5 major scales: emotional
attitude to the CG; self-monitoring in clinical trials; goal orientation on the CG;
parental relation to the CG; preference for virtual communication real. A study
conducted on a sample of 304 students of Nizhny Novgorod aged 11-12 years,
showed that the developed test questionnaire allows to quantify the extent of
computer abuse younger teenager; allows mathematical treatment; is relatively
expeditious means evaluation of a large number of respondents; contributes to
the objectivity of assessments that do not depend on the subjective attitudes of the person conducting the study; ensures comparability of the information
obtained by different researchers in different subjects.
computer games; computer game addiction; younger teens; the questionnaire
The paper discusses the role of hardiness in organizations and the issues
of its assessment. The results of a study aimed at development and validation
of a short 24item Russian version of the Hardiness Survey by D.A. Leontiev
and E.I. Rasskazova are presented. Using a student sample data (N=1285), a
subset from the set of 45 existing items were selected for the short version that
was subsequently validated in a large process plant employee sample (N=4647).
Using confirmatory factor analysis, a onedimensional structure of the test was
supported (with a single hardiness factor and two independent method factors
corresponding to systematic bias associated with regular and reversescored
items). The resulting shortened scale showed high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha
of 0.91). Convergent validity was demonstrated by predictable associations with
other measures of psychological wellbeing, including dispositional optimism,
optimistic attributional style, hope, general selfefficacy, tolerance for ambiguity,
subjective vitality, life satisfaction, work satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation in
academic and professional domains. The resulting short version of the Hardiness
Survey can be recommended for diverse samples.
Assessment of the psychometrical features of the Russian version of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) was conducted on the sample of students (n=196; different specializations, from different cities across Russia). The following methods were used: Cronbach’s alfa coefficient, test-retest, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis. As a result Scales of the Inventory show good validity, internal consistency reliability and reproducibility. Factor structure of the Russian version of ZTPI is almost identical reproduction of the original Inventory factor structure. Convergent and discriminant validity was shown.
The paper presents the method of assessment of personal autonomy and self-determination through the construct of causality orientations (E. Deci, R. Ryan) and the experience of elaboration of its Russian language version. Theoretical background is presented, as well as the proofs of impossibility to adapt the direct translation of the original English test and the psychometric properties and other results of adaptation of the newly elaborated original Russian language inventory.
The authors represent a diagnostic method, testing ways of interpersonal cognition.
They describe an attempt to study the ways of interpersonal perception at adolescents
of 14—15 years old. Respondents’ ways of interpersonal cognition were correlated with
their school advancement and data of tests on intellect, anxiety and sociometry choice.
It was shown that the method, described at this article, has a differentiating strength
and it can be used for studying personality development in further researches.
ways of interpersonal perception; a diagnostic method; adolescents
The present paper discusses contemporary problems and approaches to the development of assessments in domains of educational psychology and psychology of abilities. We briefly report the results of the development and the adaptation of two assessment batteries based on R. Sternberg’s theory of successful intelligence. The paper shows that a cross-cultural adaptation of contemporary foreign assessments is a productive approach.
The paper is devoted to validation of the Russian version of Cognitive Emotion
Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ). The questionnaire is aimed at evaluation of both
“productive” and “destructive” cognitive strategies of affective moods’ regulation and
is widely used in studies on coping with stress. The results of psychometric approbation
demonstrated high internal consistency, test-retest reliability, content and construct
validity of the prepared Russian version of the test. The empirical verification of the test
in the groups of “norm” and patients with affective disorders confirms its diagnostic
suitability for using in applied research.
The article deals with the development of constructive behavioral strategies at
adolescents. The authors describe the results of the research devoted to adolescents’ behavioral strategies (according to K. Tomas) in conflict situations. The results of two
experimental trainings show, that the development of cooperation and compromise strategies in trainings should be based on a role-playing and some exercises, contributing their development. The exercises developing cognitive ways of interpersonal perception contribute more to cooperation development. Exercises, developing emotional self-regulation, contribute more to compromise development.
behavioral strategies in conflict situations; adolescents; a psychological training
User satisfaction is one of the key characteristics of software products including the web-sites’ quality. An absence of generally accepted instruments for evaluation of the user satisfaction creates a significant impediment for empirical studies on usability of software products. In the paper there are discussed the results of elaboration of a new psychodiagnostic tool that can be used for these purposes. It is presented in the form of a standardized questionnaire with well-balanced content, high internal consistency
and differential sensitivity. The instrument provides a multidimensional evaluation of
user satisfaction as a way for ergonomic redesign of a web-site interface.
user interface; web-site usability; user satisfaction; ergonomic evaluation of software products
The article describes verification of a test diagnostics method that focuses on understanding of human biology, specifically the procedure and the results of verification. The study includes testing of 168 high school students and validation of the test by 55 experts. The results of the study indicate that the test can be recommended to diagnose how well high school students understand human biology. The difference in experts’ opinion regarding interpretation of the test questions has been analyzed.
understanding of a studying material; diagnostics of understanding; contextual training
The article shows results of psychometric properties and content validity verification
of one of existing russian defence mechanisms questionnaires. the article also
describes creation of a diagnostics method that psychometrically validly determines
four psychological defence mechanisms: denial, compensation, projection and
reaction formation.
defence mechanism of personality; diagnostic methods; psychometric properties and content validity