Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852



functional states



Abdullaeva M.M. (2019). Features of psychosemantic description of functional states. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 1, 34-50

Relevance. The development of a conceptual apparatus and the choice of methodological tools for describing and diagnosing various functional states of a labor subject are relevant in connection with the need to ensure the psychological well-being of a specialist. Consideration of the FS from the standpoint of the structural-integrative approach (A.B. Leonova), as a complex, multi-level system object, allows using the psychosemantics apparatus to describe an individual value system represented at different levels of consciousness and also determined by the activity context.

Objective. Demonstration of the psychosemantic approach in the diagnosis of functional states on the example of studying the subjective experience of experiencing the current and "my favorite" state.

Methods. Diagnostic techniques: “Scale of States” (A.B. Leonova), “Scale of reactive (situational) anxiety” (C. Spilberger), “Scale of situational depression” (C. Spielberger) and Artemyeva's semantic differential (16 scales). Respondents - 36 students-psychologists.

Results. The differences in the procedures of presentation and analysis of data obtained in two psychosemantic ways are shown. On the descriptions of the current and favorite states was obtained 4-factor space. The current state of the respondents does not correspond, in their opinion, to the beloved. The scales according to which these states differ: “light — heavy”, “active — passive”, “weak — strong”.

Conclusions. In psychosemantics of states, the choice of different schemes for counting and discussing data is dictated by the peculiarities of the tasks decided by the researcher. This can be a search for group characteristics or an analysis of individual differences in the results. Psychosemantics of FS based on the structural and regulatory approach allows not only to evaluate the object under study, but also to receive indirect information about the features of the respondents themselves who carry out the assessment procedure.

Received: 12/17/2018

Accepted: 12/24/2018

Pages: 34-50

DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01.34

Keywords: functional states; semantic differential; subjective semantics; psychosemantic approach;

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Available Online: 03/15/2019

Golubeva E.A. (2010). General and differential psychophysiology: mutual influence of Teplov’s and Sokolov’s scientific schools. The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 4, 32-56

The determinations of general and differential psychophysiology are presented. Specific character of their subject and methods are shown. Some productive ways of mutual influence of Teplov’s and Sokolov’s scientific schools are considered. Sokolov’s school: research of activation-inactivation, functional states, orienting reflex has determined the development of informative and valuable electrophysiological methods of diagnostics of stable typological properties of nervous system. Presence of many psychological correlations of properties of nervous system (especially of arousability) allows to consider them as innate prerequisites of individual differences and individuality. Teplov’s school: action of every general law is refracted by the “individuality factor”. Investigation of group differences in development of functional states of monotony, exhaustion, satiety specifies conditions of linear and U-shaped dependence in activity effectiveness.

Pages: 32-56

Keywords: general and differential psychophysiology; functional states; typological properties of the nervous system; electrophysiological methods; individual differences and individuality; innate prerequisites;

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