Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Moscow University Psychology Bulletin. Series 14. Psychology, 2009, 3, 96 p.

Moscow University Psychology Bulletin. Series 14. Psychology, 2009, 3, 96 p.

Fundamental science today

Sokolov E.N.(2009). Studies of psychophysiology of consciousness. Part 1.Spherical model of cognitive processes. Chapter 2. From the map of de tec tors to the map of semantic units .The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 3, 3-27

Chapter 2 is devoted to comparative analysis of vector encoding of information at perceptual and semantic levels. With this purpose new concepts are entered and carefully proved: «a memory map», «a map of semantic units», «an excitation vector of memory», «a semantic difference», «a semantic evoked potential». Experimental psychophysiological researches of color and emotion perception are analyzed to illustrate the basic similarity of perceptual and semantic subjective spaces. The neural mechanisms providing the coordination of perceptual and semantic processes are discussed.

Pages: 3-27

Keywords: memory map; map of semantic units; perceptual spherical color and emotional spaces; semantic spherical color and emotional spaces; semantic component of evoked potential;

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Theoretical and experimental studies

Schvartz A.Yu., Obukhova O.B., Akhutina T.V.(2009). Psychogenetics and neuropsychology: analysis of the sources of individual differences in cognitive functions in adulthood .The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 3, 28-43

The article discusses the question of application of the neuropsychological method in psychogenetic research. It is suggested to use neuropsychological indexes as endophenotype — an intermediate part between genotype and phenotype. Results of experimental study of mono- and dizygotic 43—62 year old twins are reported. Consideration of programming and control index (executive functions index) as an endophenotype has demonstrated that neuropsychological indexes may become a basis for the qualitative analysis of the intelligence structure.

Received: 12/14/2008

Pages: 28-43

Keywords: neuropsychology; psychogenetics; endophenotype; heritability coefficient; uneven development of cognitive functions; twin method;

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Leonova A.B., Bagriy M.A.(2009).Occupational stress among different doctor’s specializations.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 3, 44-53

The article is about doctor’s occupational stress. The aim of this study was to define complex approach to doctor’s occupational stress development. The outcome of the study was definition of common and specific stress manifestation for different doctors group (physicians, surgeons and resuscitation experts). There are diverse ways to treat and correct occupational stress among different doctors specializations.

Received: 06/27/2008

Pages: 44-53

Keywords: doctor’s occupational stress; physician’s stress, surgeon’s stress, resuscitation expert’s stress;

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Artemtseva N.G., Ilyasov I.I.(2009). Features of perception of psychological characteristics of person by his face: differential approach.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 3, 54-65

The results of a research of the obverse asymmetry influence on the perception of a number of personal characteristics of man including rationality and irrationality in cognition are described in the article. It has been shown that in perception of vertically divided (along the nose line) face pictures the psychological characteristics perceived by each half of the face is partially different. However, the rationality or irrationality in cognition is perceived by any half of the face — right or left — equally well.

Received: 11/01/2007

Pages: 54-65

Keywords: cognition; perception; psychological types; the differential approach; rationality; irrationality; asymmetry of the face;

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Edrenkin I.V. (2009). Using visual search task in measuring subjective differences among stimuli.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 3, 66-77

Limitations of subjective estimation of differences method, which is used in modeling stimuli discrimination spaces, are discussed in the article. A new approach is suggested, that is based on using «pop-out effect» in visual search. The suggested method of measuring differences among stimuli is validated. The experiment shows that the efficiency of visual search (measured on its time and accuracy) is an adequate measure of differences among stimuli, which is correlated with subjective estimation of difference. It is shown that at visual search task oriented lines are discriminated in a three-dimensional spherical space.

Received: 05/13/2008

Pages: 66-77

Keywords: psychophysics; visual search; multidimensional scaling; pop-out effect; vector coding;

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Psychology abroad

Voropaeva M.S.(2009). Western studies of hypnosis: theories and experiments.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 3, 78-87

The purpose of this article is to review and compare two influential approaches to hypnosis, namely the traditional and the social-cognitive ones. The author describes general theoretical foundations of both approaches and systematizes their views on the key controversial issues of hypnology. Along with a thorough theoretical analysis the results of interesting experiments supporting either theses are discussed, which helps to integrate the approaches and formulate a unified view of the nature and phenomenology of hypnosis.

Received: 06/23/2009

Pages: 78-87

Keywords: hypnosis; traditional view of hypnosis; social-cognitive view of hypnosis; neodissociation theory; hypnotizability; simulation;

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Short reports

Sozinova E.V., Glozman J.M.(2009). Quality of life of relatives of patients at early stages of Parkinson’s disease.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 3, 88-95

In our study we compared structures of changes in quality of life in caregivers of patients with Parkinson’s disease at the early and advanced stages. The perception of patients by their relatives is revealed through a content analysis of their descriptions of patients. We found out 2 factors that influence the caregiver’s adaptation: 1) severity of patient’s motor and cognitive disturbances, and 2) caregiver’s psychological problems (bad mood, difficulties in family communication and interaction).

Received: 12/19/2008

Pages: 88-95

Keywords: Parkinson disease; cognitive, motor and emotional disturbances; caregivers; quality of life;

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(2009) To the 70th anniversary of Gennady Gurgenovich Arakelov. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 96

To the 70th anniversary of Gennady Gurgenovich Arakelov

Pages: 96

Keywords: Anniversaries;

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