Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852






Tolochek V.A. (2019). "Psychological niches": topos and chronos in determination of the subject’s professional specialization. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 1, 195-213

Relevance.The effects of self-organization of subjects and groups in their joint activities are not well understood. The purpose of the work is to analyze and systematize the facts of manifestations of self-organization in the professional activity of people in a limited social space and historical time (in organizations, in a profession, in professional specialization, etc.).

Objectives. 1) A description of the facts of self-organization as a phenomenon of “psychological niches” in the models of the labor activity of subjects in similar and in different areas. 2) Identification of the determinants of the effects of self-organization of human activity.

Method. Analysis and synthesis of diagnostic data by the method of 16 PF R.B. Cattell, more than 700 professionals (drivers, private security guards, heads of departments of large industrial enterprises) obtained in the author’s studies (1994–2017), and more than 400 civil servants in the diagnostic data in 1995 and 2000, by the method of 16 PF.

Results. It is shown that the personal characteristics of the subjects are associated with their professionally important qualities, typical psycho-physiological states, value orientations, and meanings of work. Self-organization in the professional activity of individual subjects and groups as a phenomenon of “psychological niches” is a manifestation: not of a single, but of a particular and typical; the multi-level relationship of social, psychological and biological adaptation mechanisms of interacting people in a dynamic social environment; “Multipolarity” of high activity areas of subjects, time consistency of periods of their interactions; effects that are more evident not in the productivity of people’s work, but in satisfaction with it, etc.

Conclusion. Finding ways to manage the processes of group self-organization of labor subjects, enhancing the positive effects generated by human interactions, and stopping (weakening, correcting) negative ones can contribute to the development of new resources for increasing the productivity of individual and collective labor.

Received: 12/17/2018

Accepted: 12/24/2018

Pages: 195-213

DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01.195

Keywords: psychological niches; social group; profession; success; phenomena; time and space; subject; specialization;

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Available Online: 03/15/2019

Panov V.I. (2016). Stages of mastering professional actions: an eco-psychological model of becoming subjectivity. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 4, 16-25

To analyze the stages of mastering professional actions, an eco-psychological model of the formation of subjectivity is used. As an initial prerequisite for the development of this model, the notion of continuum “spontaneous activity — activity in the form of an action” is used. A description is given of the seven stages of development of subjectivity as the ability to be a subject of professional action.

Received: 10/10/2016

Accepted: 11/01/2016

Pages: 16-25

DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.04.16

Keywords: professional actions; subjectivity; formation; stages; subject; continuum “activity — activities”; action-sample;

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Available Online: 12/30/2016

Vasilieva I.I. (2016). The methodological meaning of the concept “ergatic system”. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 36-45

The step-by-step concretization of a basic abstract system S–O has been done in the article. The main phenomena of team labor were identified through this process and basic forms of team work integration such as organization culture, exchange relationships, procedural and distributive justices as well as integration by labor objects were disclosed. The full range of ergatic systems’ forms was exposed as result of concept modeling. The ergatic system model has shown sufficient logical base for integration of subjects of ergonomics and organizational psychology. It also demonstrates the full opportunities of activity approach as general theory for wide scope of humanitarian sciences.

Pages: 36-45

DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.02.36

Keywords: subject; object; activity approach; splitted subject; integration of the splitted subject; human-machine system; organizational culture; exchange relationships; team fairness;

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Available Online: 09/20/2016

Tolochek V.A., Vinokurov L.V., Zhuravleva N.I. (2015). The conditions of the social environment as resources with the professional success of subjects. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 4, 39-54

Purpose of the study: to highlight the conditions social environment, identified (understood) the representatives of different social groups as resources success subject throughout his professional career. Results of the survey are analyzed in the article 147 respondents (managers, accountants, entrepreneurs) aged 31-47 years, m=39.2 research questionnaire dynamics of professional formation of the subject. The survey was conducted in 2010-2013 years in situations of paid forms of vocational training. The Division of the sample into groups (male/female managers/professionals) and use compare and multiple regression analysis revealed allocated specific social groups in the structure and dynamics of mainstreaming the environment as resources. The study revealed that the respondents holding senior positions (executives) range of non-subjective resources is quite wide and variable. Consistent actual different environments as a professional development resource for professional actors (from 20 to 65 years) carries a high level of professionalism, its dynamic growth and long preservation with social success generally. From less realized respondents’ range of non-subjective conditions as resources relatively narrow; they are characterized by a reliance on parent resources.

Received: 08/02/2015

Pages: 39-54

DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.04.39

Keywords: condition; the social environment; resources; subject; professional success; formation;

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Available Online: 12/31/2015

Tolochek V. A., Timashkova N. A., Denisova V. G.(2014). Professional making of subjects of the pedagogical activity: The positive and negative changes . Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 1, 16-32

Tasks of the study: 1) Analysis of dynamics of subjects’ professional making (SPM) as evolutions in the aspects of professional development, professional destructions and professional burning out. 2) Isolation of intra-subject resources and extra-subject, combined with the dynamics SPM. Hypotheses: 1) Professional destructions and professional burning out are more expressed in teachers, than in other representatives of socionomic professions (educators). 2) Scarcities in the updating of intra- and extra-subject resources come out as the determinants of destructions and burning out. 3) Destructive processes in subjects grow from 35—45 years. 4) The initial phases of destructions and burning out are reflected adequately. Sample: 1) the teacher of secondary schools — 51 women at the age from 28 to 65 years (M=46.2; SD=8.6), with the length of employment from 7 to 42 years (M=23.9; SD=9.1); 2) the educators of children’s pre-school establishments — 34 women at the age from 26 to 65 years (M=46.4; SD=10.4), with the length of employment from 2 to 43 years (M=24.1; SD=10.3). Method is quasi-measurement. Basic conclusions: The dynamics SPM of teachers can be characterized as non-optimal; the using of resources — limited, fragmentary, partial; the dynamics SPM of educators — optimum; the use of resources, their mismatch with PSS are combined the increase of destructive processes from 35—45 years and with strengthening on the boundary of 55 years; with molding of professional outsider, or type of specialists, who support professionalism with the price of psychophysiological overvoltage. Teachers are more subjected to professional destructions and professional burning out, than educators. The first stages of burning out and destructions are reflected adequately by them.

Received: 09/22/2013

Pages: 16-32

Keywords: professional burnout; career; professional formation; subject; evolution; destruction;

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Available Online: 03/31/2014

Shabelnikov V.K. (2012). Mental actions formation: Mysteries puzzled out and not. The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 4, 53-72

The method of intelligent processes formation by P.Ya. Galperin takes as principal a depiction of structure of activity hidden from sense but existing as objective reality. A problem of logic bases and sources as well as of the structure of mental actions is point at issue of the article. Compared are the of the philosophers’ views (Plato, Aristotle, Meister Eckhart, Hegel) and of psychologist’s (J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev) on the grounds of mental structures determination. Unsolved problems of mental actions determination are emphasized.   

Pages: 53-72

Keywords: mental action; activity; subject; formation; structure; logic bases; psychology; culture;

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Available Online: 12/30/2012

Morosanova V.I. (2010). Individual differences of self-regulation of human voluntary activity. The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 1, 36-45

This research is devoted to the investigation of the role of conscious self-regulation in human development and activity. The concept of conscious self-regulation of a subject’s voluntary activity and the history of its research conducted in Psychological Institute RAE are discussed. The results of the research dedicated to the typology of individual styles of self-regulation and their relationship with educational and professional activity effectiveness are presented. Personal dispositions have specific influence on the individual peculiarities of regulatory profile. It is concluded that the integrated system of individual self-regulation includes dynamic and content aspects of a personality, its conscious and subconscious structures for development and achievement of goals.

Received: 01/18/2010

Pages: 36-45

Keywords: perceived self-control; subject; personality; individual style; self-regulation profile; personality traits;

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Tolochek V.A.(2010). The problem of individual style of activity in psychology:the past, the present and the future . The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 43-51

The preconditions of Individual Style of Activity (ISA) problem formation as well as it’s history of study in psychology of this country are examined. Essential characteristics of ISA conception (suggested by E.A. Klimov) and the peculiarities of different approaches to the study of the phenomenon in 1950—2000 are emphasized. Promising directions for future research are determined.

Pages: 43-51

Keywords: individual style of activity; subject; stages; approaches; future research projects;

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