Leonov, S.V.

Cand. Sci (Psychology)
Associate Professor at the Department of Methodology of Psychology, the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Investigation of EEG Parameters in Virtual Reality Puck Shooting Task in Hockey Players and Freestyle WrestlersLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2024, 3. p. 249-280read more462
Background. Very scarce works are devoted to the study of hockey players' brain activity, which is connected, among other things, with the large amount of motor activity in athletes and the complexity of EEG registration.
Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate electroencephalographic markers (in alpha, beta, and theta EEG bands) during a puck kicking task of varying difficulty under virtual reality conditions in ice hockey players compared to freestyle wrestlers.
Methods. The previously developed VR-PACE technology was used for the study, which allows practicing puck reflection skills in hockey in a virtual scene. In the study, pucks were presented in blocks (five blocks in total), the difficulty increased from block 1 to block 4, in block 5 the subjects only observed the pucks. EEG recordings were made using a wireless electroencephalograph BrainScanner V3.1 (research edition) by “NeuroDrive” throughout the entire task, analyzed by 20-second segments in each block and in each of the backgrounds (before and after). Twenty-two male subjects (average age=20, SD=2.4 years) participated in the study.
Results. The results showed significant differences between the groups, as well as significant within-group differences between the “before” and “after” conditions of the experiment in terms of the Individual Alpha Frequency (IAF), as well as the average and total power of theta, alpha, and beta rhythms. The overall trend in both groups is similar (after the experiment, there is a decrease in IAF, an increase in alpha rhythm power in central and parietal electrodes, and a decrease in occipital electrodes; a decrease in theta rhythm power in frontal and occipital electrodes; and a decrease in beta rhythm across all electrodes). However, the hockey group exhibits significantly more pronounced shifts in EEG, indicating greater alertness and attention (higher powers of theta, alpha, and beta rhythms both before and after the experiment), as well as greater relaxation (higher power of mu rhythm after the experiment).
Conclusions. The study examined the electroencephalographic correlates (IAF, power in the alpha, beta, and theta frequency bands of EEG) in hockey players and freestyle wrestlers while performing a task of deflecting a puck in virtual reality (VR). The dynamics of the EEG indicators indicate more efficient brain function in hockey players when performing the puck reflection task in a virtual reality setting, confirming the hypothesis of neural efficiency.
Keywords: hockey; EEG; virtual reality; VR; puck reflection; hockey success; EEG rhythms; rookies; experts DOI: https://doi.org/10.11621/LPJ-24-52
Temporal Paradigm in the Concept of Y.K. Strelkov (on the 80th Anniversary of his Birth)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 4. p. 320-343read more1222
Background. Modern development of psychological science in the field of studying work processes and formation of professional skills is impossible without reliance on the fundamental theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of temporal paradigm developed by Y.K. Strelkov. It is important to analyze the temporal approach in the context of understanding subjectivity not only in relation to the category of time, but also to other important concepts, such as space, energy, movement, which are inseparable from the consciousness and experience of the subject.
Objective. The article aims to analyze the development of the main directions of Y.K. Strelkov’s scientific thought in the formation of the temporal paradigm of modern psychological science. Another aim is to determine the ways of development of the temporal approach in the context of modern psychological knowledge.
Methods. Theoretical, methodological, and comparative analysis of the temporal paradigm of Y.K. Strelkov in the context of modern psychological science.
Sample. The material was obtained on a sample of representatives of different professions: aviators, navigators, pilots, drivers, operators, dispatchers, and athletes of various qualifications.
Results. Scientific and methodological bases of Y.K. Strelkov’s concept formed the basis for the development of engineering psychology, occupational psychology, psychology of sport, transport psychology, psychology of professional skill development. It has laid the basic scientific and philosophical foundations, key concepts of the temporal paradigm in psychology, empirical approaches and research methods in the evaluation of temporal phenomena. Examples of the important role of temporal analysis in different professions are demonstrated. The necessity to elaborate and develop many psychological concepts, models, concepts used in modern psychological science was shown.
Conclusion. Further development of modern psychological knowledge in the field of studying professional mastery is possible within the framework of Y.K. Strelkov’s temporal paradigm. The ideas formulated by Yuri Konstantinovich formed the basis of modern multifunctional diagnostic-developmental complexes of professional development. Operational and semantic structures of professional experience served as a methodological basis for the concept of “system image representation” in the development of professional skills in athletes.
Keywords: temporal paradigm; occupational psychology; sport psychology; temporal analysis; synthesis DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-50
Establishing the reliability and validity of the diagnostics model of perfectionism in sportLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 1. p. 241-264read more3012
Relevance: the problem of diagnosing perfectionism in sports activities is relevant for solving a large number of research issues related to the study of emotional states and factors of success in athletes, as well as practical tasks related to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of athletes. In this regard, the design of a method for diagnosing perfectionism in sports activities seems necessary and relevant.
Objective: to test the method “Sport Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale”, and to check the reliability and structural validity of this method.
Methods: testing was carried out on a sample (N=323) of Russian athletes of different kinds of sports. In the process of adapting the questionnaire, a direct and reverse translation of the questionnaire was performed, the factor structure of the questionnaire was checked using exploratory factor analysis, the internal consistency of the questionnaire scales and convergent validity using correlation analysis.
Results: a five-factor model of the method was identified. It included the following scales: “Organization and high personal standards“, “High parental expectations”, “Doubts about actions“, “ Concern over mistakes” and “High coaching expectations". Analysis of the reliability of the scales showed significant internal consistency of each of them. To assess convergent validity, a correlation analysis of the scales of the tested method and the “Three-factor perfectionism questionnaire” by N. G. Garanyan and A. B. Kholmogorova were performed. The results of the analysis showed that the method “Multidimensional perfectionism scale in sports” has the high convergent validity, which indicates a fairly predictive value of this tool.
Conclusions: for the first time in the field of Russian sports psychology, a tool for measuring perfectionism in athletes has been tested, which has shown high structural validity and reliability. In this regard, the method “Multidimensional perfectionism scale in sports” can be used for practical purposes to solve diagnostic and psychotherapeutic problems in the field of professional sports.
Keywords: perfectionism; sport psychology; perfectionism; perfectionism in athletes; personality of athletes DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.01.10
Development of VR-PACE Virtual Reality Technology for Diagnosing and Training the Skill Level of Hockey PlayersLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 1. p. 269-297Irina S. Polikanova, Leonov, S.V. , Yakushina, A.A. , Ludmila N. Liutsko, Bugriy Grigory S. , Anna P. Kruchinina, Victor A. Chertopolokhovread more2025
Relevance: in the last decade, virtual reality (VR) technologies have been actively introduced into the training process in various types of sprints. At the same time, there are studies showing the inconsistency of VR for the formation of sports skills and their transfer to real conditions. But despite this, the use of VR can be useful for practicing specific motor skills and cognitive functions, for example, anticipation.
Objective: to develop VR-PACE technology (VR Technology for training Puck hitting And HOSKE skill Effectiveness) using virtual reality aimed at diagnosing and analyzing the skill level of a hockey player, as well as their training.
Methods: within the framework of the study, a simulation virtual environment was developed that simulates a hockey field (ice arena in Sochi) and sets four difficulty levels (four blocks) depending on the speed of the puck and the distance to it. The study involved 22 people, 13 of whom were professional hockey players (Mage=20±2.5), and seven were beginners in hockey (Mage=20±1.4).
Results: it was found that professional hockey players have a significantly smaller amplitude of head vibrations during the reflection of pucks, that is, they understand the position of their body well enough during certain actions, and they do not need to observe the full trajectory of the puck. There were also significant differences in the speed of response to the presented washers in the block with the fastest speed of presentation of 2 washers. The results obtained may indicate a better formation of technical and tactical, temporal and spatial factors in professional hockey players.
Conclusions: the adequacy of the developed tools for the analysis of professional skills of hockey players was demonstrated. It was also shown that the skill level of a hockey player is determined by the formation of a set of parameters, including spatial, temporal, technical and tactical abilities. This is manifested in the automation of a number of skills, as well as the optimization of motor responses: 1) higher and more stable amplitude of movements over the entire observation interval and minimization of unnecessary movements; 2) higher reaction speed to more complex pucks (close to real game situations); 3) concentration of attention on significant signals, anticipation.
Keywords: VR-PACE; virtual reality; motor reaction; pose analysis; ice hockey; response to stimulus DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.01.12
Bronfenbrenners’ ecological approach in sport psychologyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 4. p. 78-84read more4873
Paper is devoted to the basic postulates of ecological theory (U. Bronfenbrenner). Survey of empirical studies conducted in the context of ecological approach in the field of sport psychology is presented in this work. It indicates on advisability to combine positions of ecological approach with objective diagnostic methods of sportsmen’s professional skills. The conclusion is that approach could be used in the solving problems that face sportsmen, their parents, coaches and sport psychologists.M
Keywords: ecological approach; sport psychology
Psychological features of artistic gymnasts.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 4. p. 134-147read more6440
The results of investigation of psychological characteristics of 13 high-skilled rhythmic gymnasts are presented. The experimental procedure was conducted by means of “Sport imagery questionnaire” (SIQ) and objective methods (“Chronoscope-2006”, “Aktivaziometr”). It was shown that gymnasts prefer to use imageries of cognitive type but not motivational and use internal perspective of imagery versus external one. Participants were classified in all degree of movement’s coordination level, i.e. in spite of their professional high-level; they are varied in the way of mastering movement.
Keywords: sport psychology; sports psychology; temporality ; image; artistic gymnastic ; Sport imagery questionnaire
Diagnostics of time perception at sportswomen of high proficiency level in synchronous swimming teamLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 1. p. 97-113read more3676
The individual characteristics of time perception by sportswomen of synchronized swimming from Russian youthful team were studied at this work. Sportswomen are greatly varied in accuracy and stability of reproduction long (2–5 sec) and estimation short (less than 250 ms) time intervals, which filled with different contents – ticks of metronome, persistent sound, pressuring the button and etc. The improvement of individual characteristics of time perception by specials methods is one of the psychological resources to increase sports achievements of the team
Keywords: sport psychology; synchronized swimming; estimation of time intervals; reproduction