Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Temporal Paradigm in the Concept of Y.K. Strelkov (on the 80th Anniversary of his Birth)

Background. Modern development of psychological science in the field of studying work processes and formation of professional skills is impossible without reliance on the fundamental theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of temporal paradigm developed by Y.K. Strelkov. It is important to analyze the temporal approach in the context of understanding subjectivity not only in relation to the category of time, but also to other important concepts, such as space, energy, movement, which are inseparable from the consciousness and experience of the subject.

Objective. The article aims to analyze the development of the main directions of Y.K. Strelkov’s scientific thought in the formation of the temporal paradigm of modern psychological science. Another aim is to determine the ways of development of the temporal approach in the context of modern psychological knowledge.

Methods. Theoretical, methodological, and comparative analysis of the temporal paradigm of Y.K. Strelkov in the context of modern psychological science.

Sample. The material was obtained on a sample of representatives of different professions: aviators, navigators, pilots, drivers, operators, dispatchers, and athletes of various qualifications.

Results. Scientific and methodological bases of Y.K. Strelkov’s concept formed the basis for the development of engineering psychology, occupational psychology, psychology of sport, transport psychology, psychology of professional skill development. It has laid the basic scientific and philosophical foundations, key concepts of the temporal paradigm in psychology, empirical approaches and research methods in the evaluation of temporal phenomena. Examples of the important role of temporal analysis in different professions are demonstrated. The necessity to elaborate and develop many psychological concepts, models, concepts used in modern psychological science was shown.

Conclusion. Further development of modern psychological knowledge in the field of studying professional mastery is possible within the framework of Y.K. Strelkov’s temporal paradigm. The ideas formulated by Yuri Konstantinovich formed the basis of modern multifunctional diagnostic-developmental complexes of professional development. Operational and semantic structures of professional experience served as a methodological basis for the concept of “system image representation” in the development of professional skills in athletes.


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Recieved: 09/19/2023

Accepted: 11/03/2023

Published: 12/18/2023

Keywords: temporal paradigm; occupational psychology; sport psychology; temporal analysis; synthesis

Available online since: 18.12.2023

Issue 4, 2023