Noskova, O.G.

Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Professor, Department of Occupational and Engineering Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Temporal Paradigm in the Concept of Y.K. Strelkov (on the 80th Anniversary of his Birth)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 4. p. 320-343read more1222
Background. Modern development of psychological science in the field of studying work processes and formation of professional skills is impossible without reliance on the fundamental theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of temporal paradigm developed by Y.K. Strelkov. It is important to analyze the temporal approach in the context of understanding subjectivity not only in relation to the category of time, but also to other important concepts, such as space, energy, movement, which are inseparable from the consciousness and experience of the subject.
Objective. The article aims to analyze the development of the main directions of Y.K. Strelkov’s scientific thought in the formation of the temporal paradigm of modern psychological science. Another aim is to determine the ways of development of the temporal approach in the context of modern psychological knowledge.
Methods. Theoretical, methodological, and comparative analysis of the temporal paradigm of Y.K. Strelkov in the context of modern psychological science.
Sample. The material was obtained on a sample of representatives of different professions: aviators, navigators, pilots, drivers, operators, dispatchers, and athletes of various qualifications.
Results. Scientific and methodological bases of Y.K. Strelkov’s concept formed the basis for the development of engineering psychology, occupational psychology, psychology of sport, transport psychology, psychology of professional skill development. It has laid the basic scientific and philosophical foundations, key concepts of the temporal paradigm in psychology, empirical approaches and research methods in the evaluation of temporal phenomena. Examples of the important role of temporal analysis in different professions are demonstrated. The necessity to elaborate and develop many psychological concepts, models, concepts used in modern psychological science was shown.
Conclusion. Further development of modern psychological knowledge in the field of studying professional mastery is possible within the framework of Y.K. Strelkov’s temporal paradigm. The ideas formulated by Yuri Konstantinovich formed the basis of modern multifunctional diagnostic-developmental complexes of professional development. Operational and semantic structures of professional experience served as a methodological basis for the concept of “system image representation” in the development of professional skills in athletes.
Keywords: temporal paradigm; occupational psychology; sport psychology; temporal analysis; synthesis DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-50
History of applied psychology: subject-activity approachLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 58-73read more2483
Relevance: History of science is a necessary component of its progressive development; however, the history of Russian applied psychology has not been sufficiently studied.
Purpose of the work: to present the results of the author's historical and psychological works carried out on the basis of the subject-activity approach.
Research method: The study uses systemic methodology and the subject-activity approach based on the provisions of Marxist philosophy, theory of science and traditions of Russian psychology and its history (A.A. Bogdanov, E.A. Budilova, E.A. Klimov and others). It also uses analogies for a better understanding of the unity of consciousness principle and the activity of its subject (an individual scientist, a group of researchers and practitioners, society as a whole, as a collective subject). The study demonstrates the advantages of the methodology chosen in comparison with the one adopted by scientists who are limited by the cognitive resources of one-sided approaches (for example, the traditions of internalism or externalism) in historical and psychological research.
Sample: The article provides an overview of the author's most important publications on historical and psychological topics over the past 35 years.
Results: The study presents the author's research of the formation, development and transformation of applied psychology on the example of psychological sciences on labor and working people carried out in Russia from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century, in correlation with the events of the country's civil history. The author analyzes the development of certain scientific problems (problems of social psychology of labor, problems of working capacity and fatigue, the prehistory of competence-based approach in psychology, problems of safety psychology in ergatic systems, etc.). It also presents the analysis of the work done by a number of leading Russian psychologists in this field. The results of the research are included in the program of the special course "History of Applied Psychology".
Conclusions: The study formulates the main provisions of the subject-activity approach in historical and psychological research and the possibilities of its application in order to understand the past of psychology and predict the trends of its future development.
Keywords: place and role of science in public life; applied psychology; history of psychology; work psychology; history of scientific problems; creative work of psychologists; system methodology; subject-activity approach DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.04
The future of psychology is important not to expect, but to do. To the 90th anniversary of the birth of Evgeny Aleksandrovich Klimov.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 29-40read more2474
Relevance. June 11, 2020 marked the 90th anniversary of Evgeny Klimov (11.06.1930-31.05.2014) birth, Doctor of Psychology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Russian Academy of Education (1994-2003), Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Goal. The introductory note is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of E.A. Klimov (1930-2014). Fragments of memoirs about the personality of the scientist by his students and colleagues are presented. The contours of his scientific contribution to the development of Russian psychology, his activities as a science organizer and teacher are outlined.
Results. The authors prepared for publication the scientist's manuscript, his speech to the participants of the student conference at Moscow University in 2002. In the text of E.A. Klimov presented the main ideas for the successful professional development of young psychologists, among them: the idea of the social significance of the profession; focus on business, and not on your career; assistance in improving the psychological culture of the people; the desire to separate new scientific knowledge from the redesignation of traditional knowledge with new words; development of methods of empirical research, including methods of analysis of unique cases; the conditions for the progressive development of psychology are indicated.
Keywords: creative heritage of E.A. Klimov; psychologist-researcher; teacher; organizer of science; personality; successful development of psychology; the main ideas of professionalization of psychologists DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.02
Psychological sciences on work and professionals in Lomonosov Moscow State University: 50th anniversary of work and engineering psychology departmentLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 4-28read more2664
Relevance. The paper outlines the main branches of research work and development projects carried out by researchers and lecturers of the Work and Engineering Psychology department, Faculty of Psychology. It studies the contribution of the four heads of the department (professors V.P.Zinchenko, E.A,Klimov, Yu.K.Strelkov, A.B.Leonova) to the development of the main research areas within psychology of work content and work environment, as well as in workers’ psychology.
Results. The main research results obtained by the department's staff are arranged according to the main areas of scientific research supervised by the head of the department: 1) The 60s and 70s: studies of cognitive and senso-motor processes in the work of automated system operators — the birth of engineering psychology (V.P. Zinchenko) and the revival of labor psychology (Yu.V. Kotelova); 2) The 80-90s (E.A. Klimov) - problems of human psychology as subject of labor: research of professional consciousness, work motivation, mental regulators of labor based on the psychological interpretation of the subject of labor activity and its components; 3) The first decade of the XXI century (Yu. K. Strelkov) - research of transport professions, the formation of a temporal approach in engineering psychology, methods for studying the operational and semantic experience of a professional; 4) 2015-2020 (A.B. Leonova) - a series of studies of occupational stress and other functional states on the basis of structural-integrative approach; problems of organizational psychology and cognitive ergonomics.
Conclusion. The study singles out and discusses prospective areas of future research, such as psychology of professional health, psychology of rest, psychology of security (of an individual, collective, organization, society as a whole); psychological study of the transformation of professionals’ psyche in the digital age, psychology of trust.
Keywords: work psychology; engineering psychology; organizational psychology; ergonomics; job; worker; job analysis DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.01
Psychology in my life: Interview with A. B. LeonovaLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 1. p. 4-12read more6410
Interview with Leonova Anna Borisovna by Noskova Olga Gennadievna is available only in russian.
Keywords: interview; Leonova A.B. DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01
Psychological research to promote social and labor rehabilitation of disabled personsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 3. p. 34-44read more21813
Keywords: social and labor rehabilitation; the sick and disabled persons; psychological studies DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.03.34
Ideals of psychological science and practice in prof. E.A. Klimov worksLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 4. p. 4-14read more7612
The paper is devoted to the overview of the creative heritage of prof. E.A. Klimov (1930—2014) in relation to his 85th anniversary of the birth. There are described the main topics of his research; the proposed by him understanding the essence of psychology in the framework of modern issues on “science of sciences”; the role of systemic methodology in psychological researches, the main problems of teaching on psychology at universities; a specificity of practitioners’ thinking in comparison with a theoretical thinking; depicting the psychological qualities of psychologists as professionals. Special attention is paid to his outlooks on the history of psychology, to the relations between scientific and everyday comprehension of psychology, and to a responsibility of the scientific psychology to a society and a practice.
Keywords: psychology ; psychology of labour; creative heritage of prof. E.A. Klimov; systemic methodology of research; teaching on psychology; psychologist as a professional; the responsibility of scientific psychology DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.04.04
Alexey Alexandrovich Bodalev — about the siege of Leningrad, about his youth and professional choiceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 1. p. 138-144read more5271
Alexey Alexandrovich Bodalev — about the siege of Leningrad, about his youth and professional choice.
Keywords: Alexey Alexandrovich Bodalev DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.01.138
General psychological theory of activity and problems of the work-psychologyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 3. p. 104-121read more9610
The article discusses the relationship of the general psychological theory of activity and work-psychology. The achievements of labor psychology as a scientific and technical discipline that combines concrete scientific concepts and theories focused on the problem of social practice. These concepts include: approaches and methods of psychological study of professional activities, research projects psychological classification of occupations; theory of work motivation; research problems of intra-individual variability of human performance under the influence of workload, theory of functional states of the subject of work, including the correction of adverse varieties; the theory of differential and developmental psychology used in professional selection and career counseling; options for teaching about the psychology of erroneous actions used in quality management and safety; complementing studies of individual forms of labor; psychosemantic professional approach to the study of consciousness and self- work experience in the psychological study of foreign object activity as the basis of analysis of the mental processes and properties of the subject of work. As a result, the analysis concluded that the general psychological theory of activity performs in relation to the role of labor psychology philosophical and methodological framework and general scientific theory in understanding the psyche of the human subject of labor. It has the status of concrete scientific theory as applied to problems of professional development and training. Psychology of work, beyond training and development, require the development of specific scientific concepts and theories that complement general psychological theory of activity.
Keywords: activity theory; work; psychology of labour; social practice problems; scientific concepts of different levels; assessment of the applicability and adequacy of scientific theory
Psychology of labour, engineering psychology and ergonomics: the historico-psychological analysisLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 2. p. 32-42read more5163
The Author discusses the subject, main problems, the social status of psychology of labour, engineering psychology and ergonomics, a parity of these directions of the Russian science in the second half of the ХХ—the beginning of the XXIst century.
Keywords: psychology of labour; engineering psychology; ergonomics; historico-psychological analysis