Ilyasov, I.I.

Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Honored Professor of the Russian Federation, Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Professor of the Department of Psychology of Education, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Film Pedagogy as a Means of Modern Mastering of Mathematics at SchoolLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 4. p. 306-319read more1134
Relevance. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the requirements for an educational film from the point of view of psychology and pedagogy. The analysis of Russian and foreign studies in the field of perception of sound and video, as well as the semantic content of the educational film showed that they research general characteristics and mechanisms of processing for auditory and visual information in creating an image of reality. The main studies consider the focus of attention and semantic and cognitive attitudes.
Objective. The research aims to create a video course that allows a student with problems mastering mathematics to overcome the “learned helplessness”, to find meaning in studying algebra and geometry, to believe that learning mathematics is easy and interesting.
Methods. Content analysis, subject-subject dialogue, assessment and forecast of changes, conclusions from general to particular and from particular to general, comparative analysis.
Results. The project “Matstream” considering the main topics of algebra that students of primary school study in a series of video tutorials is presented. Taking into account the cognitive characteristics of modern fifth-ninth grade students is implemented in the presentation of educational material. Three blocks of videos are aimed at forming an attitude to the perception of abstract-logical information expressed in mathematical symbols, specific knowledge, skills and abilities.
Conclusion. In creating educational audiovisual products, it is necessary to take into account motivational, emotional, and cognitive components. Within the framework of the Matstream project, a program of assistance in teaching mathematics to schoolchildren is being implemented. It also involved developing attitudes to the perception of abstract-logical language of mathematical algorithms and overcoming difficulties in mastering mathematics.
Keywords: educational film; setting; mathematics; school; MatStream program DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-49
Portrait: the Perception of a Person by a Person and the Art of Transmitting the Ideological Essence by Artistic MeansLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 4. p. 39-59read more1319
Background. The article presents an overview and analytical study of the problem of perception of a person's face by ordinary people and famous artists. The relevance of the research is dictated by attempts to solve the problem of the connection between the perceiver and the perceived subjects of the cognition process. The subject of the study was both the perception strategies of the perceiver, and the characteristics of the perceived person according to his portrait, his worldview.
Objective. Review and analysis of studies devoted to the study of portrait perception strategies and the transmission of ideological characteristics by famous portrait artists.
Methods. Review and analytical study of scientific literature in the field of human perception by man, as well as analysis of the results of author's research using methods of subjective semantics — content analysis and subjective scaling.
Results. The first part of the article presents the results of experiments on the perception of the image of a person's face and its part, conducted within the framework of art studies, biology, technical sciences, pedagogy, various psychological schools, as well as by the author's team over the past 25 years. The second part of the article offers a theoretical analysis of the creative experience of famous artists in creating a portrait of a person. Special emphasis is placed on the transfer of a person's worldview and personality in creating a portrait.
Conclusion. In conclusion, the article identifies new problems and directions of psychological research on the problem of perception of the ideological essence of a person by his face.
Keywords: portrait, perception of a person's face, worldview, expression of emotions; perception of a person's face; worldview; expression of emotions; emotions DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.04.02
Development of learning skills in the process of training students of engineering profileLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 3. p. 86-104read more3242
Relevance. Knowledge of the spontaneous development of learning skills (LS) of University students is important and relevant, because the lack of LS adversely affects the success of independent learning, reducing the level of social and professional mobility of students and their competitiveness in the labor market.
Objective. Determining the dynamics and extent of spontaneous development of basic and additional LS students with an engineering profile in usual side developmental nature of learning at the University, as well as of their relationship with academic performance.
Methods. For the diagnosis of basic LS specially designed tasks to build knowledge on the material of technical disciplines were used. Additional LS were tested using the author's questionnaire with scaling.
Sample. 135 students of the 1st, 4th and 6th courses of technical universities of Moscow: 89 boys and 46 girls aged 18 to 33 years.
Results. During the full 6-year course of study, students of engineering profile showed an increase in the level of basic LS: non-independent knowledge building (+31.25%), independent knowledge building (+12%), mixed knowledge building (+81.96%). The growth of additional skills as conscious work with the cognitive sphere (+2.8%) and with emotional states (+13.33%) was established, but the ability to work with motives and volitional regulation decreased (-8.18%), as well as to work with knowledge as learning objectives (-16.12%), and to plan the order and time of activities (-10.21%).
Conclusion. It is necessary to take into account the reduced opportunities of students in decoding and generalization in the process of obtaining knowledge from messages with their ambiguity and a large amount of specific content. These types of basic LS need to be purposefully developed. The negative dynamics in the development of a number of additional LS also indicates the need for their special development at the University.
Keywords: general study skills; teaching the ability to learn; spontaneously developing subject training; consciously organized developing subject training DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.03.86
Features of perception of psychological characteristics of person by his face: differential approachLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 3. p. 54-65read more4254
The results of a research of the obverse asymmetry influence on the perception of a number of personal characteristics of man including rationality and irrationality in cognition are described in the article. It has been shown that in perception of vertically divided (along the nose line) face pictures the psychological characteristics perceived by each half of the face is partially different. However, the rationality or irrationality in cognition is perceived by any half of the face — right or left — equally well.
Keywords: cognition; perception; psychological types; the differential approach; rationality; irrationality; asymmetry of the face
The intrinsic motivation in solving insight problems: Arising and increase through teaching heuristics.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 3. p. 46-55read more5501
The results of a study of the motivational component of the student intellectualactivity in solving insight problems are presented in the article. For the evaluation ofmotivation the technique of “creative field” developed by D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya hasbeen used before and after teaching students to implement heuristics with the help ofthe method developed by I.I. Ilyasov. Additional data on the positive influence of theintrinsic cognitive motivation upon the success in solving insight problems has beenreceived. The possibility to contribute to arising and increasing of this motivationthrough teaching to use heuristics has also been revealed.
Keywords: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation ; intellectual activity; heuristics of thinking ; training