Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Film Pedagogy as a Means of Modern Mastering of Mathematics at School

Relevance. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the requirements for an educational film from the point of view of psychology and pedagogy. The analysis of Russian and foreign studies in the field of perception of sound and video, as well as the semantic content of the educational film showed that they research general characteristics and mechanisms of processing for auditory and visual information in creating an image of reality. The main studies consider the focus of attention and semantic and cognitive attitudes.

Objective. The research aims to create a video course that allows a student with problems mastering mathematics to overcome the “learned helplessness”, to find meaning in studying algebra and geometry, to believe that learning mathematics is easy and interesting.

Methods. Content analysis, subject-subject dialogue, assessment and forecast of changes, conclusions from general to particular and from particular to general, comparative analysis.

Results. The project “Matstream” considering the main topics of algebra that students of primary school study in a series of video tutorials is presented. Taking into account the cognitive characteristics of modern fifth-ninth grade students is implemented in the presentation of educational material. Three blocks of videos are aimed at forming an attitude to the perception of abstract-logical information expressed in mathematical symbols, specific knowledge, skills and abilities.

Conclusion. In creating educational audiovisual products, it is necessary to take into account motivational, emotional, and cognitive components. Within the framework of the Matstream project, a program of assistance in teaching mathematics to schoolchildren is being implemented. It also involved developing attitudes to the perception of abstract-logical language of mathematical algorithms and overcoming difficulties in mastering mathematics.


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Recieved: 01/20/2023

Accepted: 11/02/2023

Published: 12/18/2023

Keywords: educational film; setting; mathematics; school; MatStream program

Available online since: 18.12.2023

Issue 4, 2023