Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Moscow University Psychology Bulletin. Series 14. Psychology, 2007, 2, 144 p.

Moscow University Psychology Bulletin. Series 14. Psychology, 2007, 2, 144 p.

Actual theme

Theoretical and experimental studies

Zinchenko Yu.P., Surnov K.G., Tkhostov A.Sh.(2007).The motivation of a terrorist. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,20-34

Motives of the terrorist activity are revealed through the analysis of psychological mechanisms of realization of basic human needs at the stages of involvement in a terrorist organization and participation in them. Psychological appeal of terrorism in the context of the problem of the influence of modern technology on the dynamics of the boundaries of the norm and pathology is discussed.

Received: 08/02/2007

Pages: 20-33

Keywords: psychology of terrorism; modern technologies; culture and pathology; personality psychology; motivation; needs objectification;

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Velichkovsky B.B., Maryin M.I.(2007). Complex diagnostics of individual resistance to stress in the framework of the “state—resistant trait”. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,34-46

The paper shows the possibility of assessing the level of resistance to stress through the integration of information on the specifics of the difficult situation and available resources of coping. When describing the individual process of adaptation to stress is a systematic distinction between mental states and stable personality dispositions. Picked up a set of diagnostic methods, empirical verification which is carried out by comparing the samples of subjects (N=530), a priori contrast in level of resistance to stress.

Received: 06/27/2006

Pages: 34-46

Keywords: resistance to stress; mental state; personal disposition; psychological assessment;

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Klimas D.G., Bardishevskaya M.K.(2007). Emotional regulation in children with ASD at 6—10 years of age. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,47-58

The article is devoted to the dynamics of the emotional development of children with autism. Deregulations of emotions occupy a central place in the clinical picture of this type of disorders. In the early school years, they become the main obstacle in the socialization of these children. The present paper describes the options for the development of emotional regulation in autism spectrum disorders of varying severity at the beginning of schooling. The main emphasis is on comparison with age norm. The factors affecting the prognosis of social adaptation are analyzed.

Received: 05/18/2006

Pages: 47-58

Keywords: autistic disorders; emotional regulation; adaptation to school;

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Lapshina T.N.(2007).Electroencephalographic correlates of emotional reactions. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,59-69

In this study, through an integrated psycho-physiological approach, it is shown that the complex dynamics of the power spectrum of the EEG reflects subjective differences in emotional reactions to stimuli. In the perception of emotionally positive slides found increased relative EEG power in the range of 6-8 Hz in frontal derivations, as well as the suppression of the activity of 8-12 Hz in the occipital and parietal leads. Resulting data can become the basis for the creation of a fundamentally new method of objective diagnostics of emotional responses, which will be in demand both in medicine and applied fields of psychophysiology and in fundamental studies of emotional reactions.

Received: 03/17/2006

Pages: 59-69

Keywords: emotions; EEG; objective indicators of emotion;

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Orel E.A.(2007). Особенности интеллекта профессиональных программистов. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,70-79

The article is devoted to peculiarities of the intelligence specialists in the field of information technology. The object of study was chosen the base for this group of occupations specialty — programmer. Built average intelligence profile for the profession and is compared with the profile of intelligence accountants is a profession belonging to the same group of “man — sign system”. The obtained results are interpreted on the basis of the characteristics of each professional activity.

Received: 03/28/2006

Pages: 70-79

Keywords: psychology of programming; programmers; features experts in the field of information technology; intelligence; verbal ability; logical thinking; erudition;

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History of Psychology

Sokolova E.E.(2007).The school of A.N. Leontiev and its role in development of “Activity Theory” approach to psychology. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,80-103

The article is devoted to the history and current state of the school of Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev (1903-1979), an outstanding Russian psychologist, the first Dean of the faculty of psychology of Moscow state University who have made the most significant contribution to the creation and development of the activity approach in psychology. Considered in detail the stages of scientific biography A.N. Leontiev, the author identifies and analyzes the main provisions developed his school of “non-classical psychology”, the origins of which date back to L.S. Vygotsky. Special attention is paid to the analysis offered in the school of A. N. Leontiev solve the problems of the subject of psychology, nature of psyche as a specific mental functions, the relationship between internal and external activities, units of psychological analysis and development of the psyche. Selected as promising lines of development of General psychological ideas of the school of A. N. Leontiev.

Pages: 80-103

Keywords: non-classical psychology; activity; psyche; awareness; unit of analysis; A.N. Leontiev’s school; development of the psyche; the meaning;

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Mikadze Yu.V., Skvortsov A.A.(2007).The term “factor” in the works by A.R. Luria. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,104-113

The meaning of “factor” in the works of A.R. Luria is analyzes. Relations of this concept and fundamental theoretical problems of neuropsychology are defines. On the basis of these relations is reconstructed for the most organic for A.R. Luria's texts interpretation of the concept “factor”.

Received: 12/05/2006

Pages: 104-108

Keywords: factor; tasks of neuropsychology; structural element of mental processes; physiological mechanism; localization; area of the brain;

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Methods, apparatus

Portnova G.V.(2007).Computer-based method of personality time perception and time measurement. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,114-122

The article examines the classic and latest techniques in the study of mental reflection time. The proposed computational method that allows you to monitor various conditions of mental reflection time: accuracy evaluation and measuring, the presence or absence of task, type of task, the speed of the external sensors of time, and to vary different series of experiment for research purposes. The methodological procedure was tested on elderly subjects and younger and sensitive to the peculiarities of time perception in individuals of different ages.

Received: 06/20/2006

Pages: 114-122

Keywords: time perception; computer method; the parameters of the temporal operations;

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Short reports

Borzdyko Yu.E.(2007).Art-Therapy techniques in training of personality growth with adolescents. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,123-127

The article presents a research on comparative study of two trainings of personal growth in senior schoolchildren. The first is based on the use of art therapy and psycho-technical exercises, the second are only psycho-technical exercises. It is shown that the first training is more effective. The second one contributes to the appearance or growth of rigidity and self-satisfaction, and it can be an obstacle in the way of personality growth. In trainings with the use of art therapy techniques this negative effect does not occur.

Received: 05/02/2006

Pages: 123-127

Keywords: training of personal growth; art therapy and psychological training exercises;

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Petrov K.M.(2007).Neuropsychological characteristics of cognitive processes in migraine patients. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,128-133

The article presents the results of empirical studies of information processing in patients with migraine in a headache period and in healthy control by means of tests for the assessment of psychopathological symptoms and cognitive styles tests: Gottschaldt’s Embedded figures test (EFT) (style field dependence/field independence) and Cluster Classification test — a new method, based on the design of artificial concepts. Patients with migraine showed lower stability and selectivity of the processes of structuring information. A positive correlation of structure in patients with migraine and exposure to psychopathological processes (healthy observed an inverse relationship) may be a consequence of adaptation to high for them requirements for the structuring of information imposed by the environment.

Received: 12/12/2006

Pages: 128-133

Keywords: cluster classification test; cognitive styles; migraine; information processing; field-dependence/field-independence styles;

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Lyashenko M.V.(2007). Axiological aspects of personality meaning sphere of military women in universities of Russian Ministry of Defense. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin,2,133-137

The study is devoted to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation the problem of effective professional adaptation of the growing contingent of military women taking into account peculiarities of value, motivational, semantic spheres of their personal organization. The pilot study helped to identify and statistically confirm three significant levels in the structure of motivation of professional activity of military women. The key motivational determinants of successful professional activity are outlines.

Received: 06/07/2007

Pages: 133-137

Keywords: psychology of motivation; psychology of value spheres; axiology; gender psychology; military psychology;

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