Vasilieva I.I. (2016). The methodological meaning of the concept “ergatic system”. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 36-45
The step-by-step concretization of a basic abstract system S–O has been done in the article. The main phenomena of team labor were identified through this process and basic forms of team work integration such as organization culture, exchange relationships, procedural and distributive justices as well as integration by labor objects were disclosed. The full range of ergatic systems’ forms was exposed as result of concept modeling. The ergatic system model has shown sufficient logical base for integration of subjects of ergonomics and organizational psychology. It also demonstrates the full opportunities of activity approach as general theory for wide scope of humanitarian sciences.
Sections: Theoretical studies;
Pages: 36-45DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.02.36
Keywords: subject; object; activity approach; splitted subject; integration of the splitted subject; human-machine system; organizational culture; exchange relationships; team fairness;
Available Online 20.09.2016
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For citing this article:
Vasilieva I.I. (2016). The methodological meaning of the concept “ergatic system”. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 36-45