Intellectual and personality potential of a person in coping strategiesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 1. p.46-57Read more4430
The intrinsic motivation in solving insight problems: Arising and increase through teaching heuristics.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 3. p.46-55Read more5503
Security problems of communicative strategies.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 4. p.24-31Read more4925
About two approaches to teaching the ability to learn in the Russian psychological and pedagogical sciencesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 1. p.37-48Read more4260
The development of the personality autonomy in adolescence in the child-parent and adolescent-peer relations.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 2. p.36-47Read more5027
Emotional regulation in children with ASD at 6—10 years of ageLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 2. p.47-58Read more4355
Studies of psychophysiology of consciousness. IntroductionLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 4. p.11-19Read more4998
Professional psychologies — for the future of RussiaLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 3. p.7-14Read more3766
The use of virtual reality systems in psychologyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 1. p.22-36Read more4479
Occupational stress among different doctor’s specializationsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 3. p.44-53Read more4573
The role of symbolic mediation in cognitive activity in primary school (acquisition of the function concept)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 2. p.31-44Read more4070
Organizational stress in bank staff activityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 1. p.39-52Read more4419
General and differential psychophysiology: mutual influence of Teplov’s and Sokolov’s scientific schoolsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 4. p.32-56Read more4441
The comparative analysis of results of qualitative research (on the material of interview)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 3. p.36-51Read more4709