The text of P.Ya. Galperin at the All-Union Conference on Psychology, held at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR in 1953. In this report, for the first time in a holistic form, the foundations of his world-famous method for the systematic, step-by-step formation of mental actions and concepts are presented. The author states that the question of mental actions, i.e. about what our ability to solve “in the mind” different tasks is part of the broader problem of the activity of human consciousness, taken not in philosophical or socio-historical, but in specifically its psychological content. The way of formation of mental actions that make up a significant part of what is taught in school is described as a successive transition from mastering actions with objects through action in terms of audible speech to transferring an action to the mental plane. The stages of this process are singled out: 1) drawing up a preliminary view of the assignment; 2) mastering the action with objects; 3) mastering the action in terms of audible speech; 4) transferring an action to the mental plane; 5) the final formation of mental action. A detailed description of each stage is given. The author emphasizes that the step-by-step formation of mental actions remains the actual content of the learning process of new skills, regardless of the individual or collective nature of instruction, and the scale of the main parameters retains value for evaluating the learned action regardless of the actual content and quality of this training. In conclusion, the author expresses the hope that the knowledge of the process of step-by-step formation of mental actions and their other parameters will serve as a theoretical basis for the management of full-fledged training.
mental actions; step-by-step formation of mental actions
The article is an attempt of a scientific analysis of psychological and pedagogical works and historical-methodological research by P.Ya. Galperin, who is widely known as one of the most influential domestic psychologists of the second half of the 20th century and who held a position of the professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The introduction states that the fundamental works of P.Ya. Galperin had a significant impact not only on the development of a number of areas of psychological science and educational practice, but also for teaching them the basics in philosophical and psychological faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1940-1980-ies. It is noted that the developed by P.Ya. Galperin original concept and an innovative method based on fundamental philosophical grounds, and he rightfully possessed the deserved reputation of one of the largest theorists of psychological science. The following are 12 key stages of life P.Ya. Galperin. The ten main directions of his scientific and pedagogical activity are characterized. Detail reflected the development of P.Ya. Galperin and his scientific school of General and pedagogic psychology of the formation of creative thinking. Highly valued pedagogical activity of P.Ya. Galperin at Moscow University. Given the facts of the development of the heritage of P.Ya. Galperin in problem field of modern anthropology.
Galperin P.Y.; general psychology; pedagogical psycholog; developmental psychology; history of psychology; methodology ; subject of psychology; orientation; mental and ideal acts; interiorization; scientific notions; stage-by-stage formation of mental acts; creative thinking; activity; education