The phenomenon of presence is the subjective sense of realistic interaction with the virtual environment. Presence is an important factor in the effectiveness of the use of virtual reality systems. On the occurrence and severity of presence phenomenon influenced by both technological and psychological factors, including cognitive control. Special influence on the emergence of the phenomenon of presence can have a system of monitoring and correction of errors associated with detection and neutralization of differences between expected and actual results of the cognitive activities. It examined the extent to which the effectiveness of monitoring and error correction (estimated through the effects of slowing down after an error and adapt to the conflict) is related to the aspects of the presence phenomenon. For high-immersive (CAVE) and lowimmersive (standard display) environments, it was shown that (1) efficient error correction prevents the negative physical effects associated with the working in a virtual environment, and (2) effective detection of cognitive conflicts prevent the emergence of the phenomenon of presence through detecting unnatural virtual scenario. In low-immersive environment conflict detection also prevented the formation of emotional involvement in a virtual scenario.
The article discusses the main ideas and provisions of the
phenomenological-hermeneutic approach to professional development
as opposed objectivism psycho-diagnostic methods (tests) and formative
approaches. The principle of subjectivity/authorship and moral relationship to
ongoing activities are introduces. Available psycho-technics guides and supports
the efforts of the “adept” (people who chose the field of their future professional
activity) on personal relation to the objectives and the course of his professional
phenomenological approach; hermeneutical understanding; personal and professional self-determination; professional formation; sense; dialogue; personal experience; potential; problematization of myself; the principle of subjectivity (authorship); accompanying psycho-technics
The article presents the results of a study of ideas about life success of teenagers. The sample of our study consisted of 500 students of 10-11 classes of the Moscow schools and gymnasiums. The greatest attention is paid to the analysis of success in the profession on the implementation of subjects of projective techniques. The analysis of examples of successful people has allowed highlighting the most significant areas of professional activity, as well as basic assessment criteria of success. So, the most popular examples of successful people for teenagers are the businessmen who have earned the status with the development of computer technologies, representatives of show-business and politics. Analysis of representations of teenagers about their future in 15 years allowed identifying criteria that are most important for the adolescents in the assessment of the future success of their professional activities. Gender differences in perceptions of professional and life success are analyzed.
The article discusses the possibility of using the subjective semantics as a basis for the proposed E.A. Klimov classification of occupations based on the differentiation of working relations of man to the objects of the world. In the scientific school of E.Yu. Artemieva this classification is understood as a typology of a replacement reality, which is revealed through the ways of free descriptions of objects and metaphorical interpretation of semantic differential scales. Correlation of semantics with a professional affiliation will allow us to predict the degree of conformity of man to the world of professions.
world of professions; psychosemantics ; classification of professions; replacement reality; semantic attribution of objects; doctors of different specialties
The step-by-step concretization of a basic abstract system S–O has been done in the article. The main phenomena of team labor were identified through this process and basic forms of team work integration such as organization culture, exchange relationships, procedural and distributive justices as well as integration by labor objects were disclosed. The full range of ergatic systems’ forms was exposed as result of concept modeling. The ergatic system model has shown sufficient logical base for integration of subjects of ergonomics and organizational psychology. It also demonstrates the full opportunities of activity approach as general theory for wide scope of humanitarian sciences.
subject; object; activity approach; splitted subject; integration of the splitted subject; human-machine system; organizational culture; exchange relationships; team fairness
Limited applicability of stochastics and comparing it with the new methods of multidimensional phase space were showed. Quantitative measures of the parameters are quasi-attractors for evaluation of chaotic dynamics on the example of the little finger abductor muscle. Method of multidimensional phase space carried out the study and modeling of complex biological objects (complexity). The state of the neuromuscular system is studied in two modes: a weak muscle tension and strong, almost the maximum force. Used quasi-attractors volumes of multidimensional phase spaces, which provide the identification of real changes in the parameters of the functional state with weak muscles (F1=5 daN) and strong (F2=10 daN) static stress. Analysis of the timebase signal x1(t) obtained with myograph, and autocorrelation functions A(t) signal showed their unrepeatability. Comparative analysis of the biomechanical system is made on the basis of registration of quasi-attractor’s volume, as well as on the basis of analysis of the Shannon’s entropy E. Volume of quasi-attractor’s movements x1(t) и x2(t)=dx1/dt at low load is slightly less than similar amounts of displacement of vector (х1, х2)Т under a heavy load of musculus abductor digiti mini. The values ??of the Shannon entropy under a heavy load are statistically unchanged. Values of the Shannon entropy under heavy load, not statistically vary on the advisability of entropy approach in the assessment of muscular efforts and the impossibility of application of the theorem of Glansdorff—Prigogine (thermodynamics of nonequilibrium systems) in psychophysiological research. Overall, restricting the use of methods of stochastics and the possibility of using the method of multidimensional phase spaces, have been demonstrated in the Eskov—Zinchenko effect.
The paper analyzes the emergence of the concept of motive in Alexey N. Leontiev’s early writings and its correspondence to Kurt Lewin’s ideas and to the distinction of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation and the concept of the continuum of regulation in the present day self-determination theory of E. Deci and R. Ryan. The distinctions of extrinsic motivation based on reward and punishment versus “natural teleology” in K. Lewin’s works and of (extrinsic) motive versus interest in early A. N. Leontiev’s texts are explicated. The relationships between motive, goal, and personal meaning in the structure of activity regulation are analyzed. The author introduces the concept of quality of motivation referring to the degree of correspondence between motivation and one’s needs and authentic Self at large; the complementarity of activity theory approach and self-determination theory as regards the quality of motivation issue is highlighted.
motives; goals; meaning; activity theory; self-determination theory; interest; intrinsic and extrinsic motivation ; the quality of motivation
The article discusses the possibilities of use of the most important categories and principles of the cultural activity approach in the field of health psychology. Biological and psychological understanding of health is compared in it. Besides, modern scientific definition of human health is given. Main methodological approaches to the study of person’s health are considered too. On the bases of Vygotsky’s ideas the view of health as a higher mental function (HMF) is proposed and substantiated. The contents of the concept of HMF, its connection with traditional system and level approaches are revealed. Understanding of health as HMF is compared with existing directions based on Vygotsky’s and cultural historical ideas in the field of health psychology and in clinical psychology of physicality in particular. The final part of the article is devoted to issues of occupational health. The connection of the structure, development and individual style of activity and occupational health, issues of improvement health motivation are investigated with view of activity approach. The methodological potential of the concept of health as HMF and activity approach ideas to health psychology and psychological science in general is emphasized.
cultural-activity approach; health psychology; a higher mental function; activity; physicality; improvement health motivation
Process of generation of activity with allocation of problems which it is possible to correlate with concepts need, motive, motivation, prompting to activity is analyzed. Affirms, that generation of activity assumes presence at the subject of the behavioral problem arising at actualization of needs, at acceptance by the person of requirements of a society or under the decision of the person. The motivation is understood as mental maintenance for the process of activity generation.
Th is article discusses the fundamental principles of qualitative research:
contextual sensitivity, understanding, interpretative reconstruction and refl exivity.
Th e principle of contextual sensitivity focuses on qualitative research study of
the phenomenon in its socio-cultural and dialogical setting, and the principle of
understanding — the study of subjective values and meaning in the positions of
the various groups. Th e principles of interpretation of refl exivity give an answer to the question about the methodological tool for qualitative research — how
to connect data and formulated analytical synthesis, validity assessment which
involves tracking and monitoring impact of refl exive attitudes of the researcher.
Th ese principles are formulated on the basis of theoretical analysis and practical
experience with qualitative methods and prove the relevancy of combining them
into a single methodological approach that is implemented in various directions
and strategies of qualitative data analysis. Th e authors emphasize conceptual unity
of qualitative research and the underlying common methodology.
This article is the study of manual motor activity (his spatial and dynamic
organization, interhemispheric transfer and coordination). The study of 58 children
(healthy and with the Down syndrome), demonstrate the genesis of cerebral
asymmetry and interhemispheric coordination, and the grave disturbances of these
functions in dysontogenesis.
manual motor activity; interhemispheric interaction; children with the Down syndrome