This year marks the 70th anniversary of the publication of the monograph by N.A. Bernshtein "On the construction of movements" and 60 years since the publication of his eighth essay "The urgent problems of the regulation of motor acts". In these works, for the first time, the problem of uncertainty in the organization (and dynamics of behavior) of all systems, which we now designate as homeostatic or systems of the third type, according to W. Weaver's classification, was first raised. This problem was voiced by N.A. Bernstein as the hypothesis of "repetition without repetition", within which it is possible (as suggested by Bernstein) to describe any motor acts. After a detailed study of the various types of motion in biomechanics, we ascertained that modern deterministic-stochastic science has approached its developmental boundary in the study of living systems, since the main thesis about the repeatability and predictability of the state of the biosystem (neuronets of the brain, the human psyche) is violated. We turn to the study of systems that are in a continuous chaotic regime of changes of any parameters xi of such (unstable) systems. The Eskov-Zinchenko effect, which is a quantitative proof of Bernshtein’s hypothesis of "repetition without repetition", is that the successively obtained samples xi
(in one, unchanged state) demonstrate a kaleidoscope of statistical distribution functions f(x), i.e. fj(xi)≠fj+1(xi) for two neighboring registered (from one person) registered samples xi (i.e., for the jth and j+1th). This erases the boundaries between arbitrary and involuntary movements from the standpoint of their objective, statistical evaluation. Statistical instability of any received samples of parameters xi, which describe homeostatic systems, requires new concepts and new models - models of homeostasis.
The object of research — destructive manifestations in professional activity and labor behavior, as well as the processes of deprofessionalization of individual and group subjects of labor. The definitions of “professional deformations” and “professional destructions” are analyzed. The difference in the essence of these concepts, reflecting the effect of different psychological mechanisms, is shown. “Professional deformation” leads to distortions in the structure of work activity or personality traits. “Professional destruction” leads to destruction (or destructive construction) of the structure of activity (changing its focus on other goals and results) or personality (orientation to the opposite labor and life values). The destructive effect is connected with the meaning-forming function of the motive that replaces the normative goal of the performed professional activity with another goal — personally significant and useful for the given performer, but socially harmful. “Pseudo-professionalism” (“false” professionalism) of the individual and group subject of labor is analyzed. Deprofessionalization of the subject is associated with the loss of professional identity, the destruction or non-acceptance of professional values. The problems of adaptation of a true professional in the group of pseudo-professionals (professional marginals) are considered. Conclusion: A profession as a social institution can counteract destructive processes of deprofessionalization of subjects of labor (primarily group ones) through the implementation of expert functions of professional associations.
professional deformations; destructive manifestations; labor behavior; professional activity; deprofessionalization; professional identity ; false professionalism
of the study: to analyze the social, psychological and biological determinants
of the activity and success of athletes; Describe the phenomenon of
"psychological niches" on the model of sport. The article analyzes
the results of a survey of more than 150 people - high-ranking sportsmen,
freestyle wrestlers, classical and judo; Polls of coaches of the highest
category (12 people); Materials of literary sources. The study showed that in
the sport of higher achievements (SHA), the
effects of joint activity of the subjects are systematically manifested, the
consequence of which is the selection and fixing of athletes with certain
individual psychological features (physique, typological properties of the
nervous system, functional asymmetry, personal characteristics, styles of
activity) in Certain types and specializations. In different sports and
specializations, stable proportions of representatives of different types
(physique, nervous system properties, functional asymmetry, personal
characteristics, and styles) are preserved, as well as the success
characteristic of each type in tournaments and different "ranges" of
their success. Formed among athletes different types of activity styles are
focused on the actualization of different stable segments of "activity
spaces". These effects, determined by the interaction of social,
psychological and biological conditions, are called "psychological
niches", the characteristic features of which are: ordering in space and
time of interactions of subjects; A limited set of mutually complementary types
of adaptation of subjects in a dynamic environment; Manifestations are not
single, but special, typical; Adaptation of subjects to a part of environmental
conditions, as a sufficient and necessary condition for their success;
Propensity to master subjects by typical operational complexes (systems,
"blocks" of actions); Orientation on typical features of partners and
environmental conditions; Success with interactions with typical partners
(rivals), etc.
space of sports activities; psychological niches; social, psychological and biological determinants of the success of athletes
This article considers the possibilities of bringing together of the two psychological scientific fields: pathopsychology and social psychology. The realization of that approach will enable to expand opportunities of analyzing the irrational and destructive forms of social behaviour and registering various forms of pathological adaptation described in pathopsychology quite clearly. As a possible variant, there are notions of modern psychoanalysis about different types of personality structure which form in the course of interpersonal relationships during individual ontogeny. Within the framework of the proposed hypothesis about the possibility of employing pathopsychological explanatory constructs in relation to social-psychological phenomena, psychoanalytical model is transferred onto social relations. It discusses the possibilities of making use of the pathological phenomena (delusional formations, psychological defenses, addictions) for the interpretation of inadequate relations between a subject and society. The principal structures of personality organization correspond to different variants of social relationships.
social pathopsychology; psychological defense; irrational social behavior
The article describes the methodological analysis of three
tendencies of the psychological cognition development for last three decades.
Firstly, the author analyzes the psychological studies of the information
processing during the human thought, sometimes based on intuitive
or logical knowledge. It is shown that a person has two different but interacting
systems for the information processing according to the dual-process theories
of human thinking.
One system is focused on the heuristics, producing intuitive
responses and the other one is based on analytical processing. Their descriptions
correspond to the psychologists’ ideas of the Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory
(CEST) by S. Epstein and two cognition styles — rational and intuitive ones.
Such scientific ideas are indissolubly linked with the existence of the integrated
continuum of the methods for the world understanding: from paradigmatic to
narrative and then to thesaurus. Secondly, it is proved that a modern person lives
in the multidimensional world, consisting of the empirical, socio-cultural and
existential realities. The events and situations in these realities are understood
by people after the types “understanding-knowledge”, “understandinginterpretation”
and “understanding-comprehension”. Thirdly, it is reasoned that
a subject does not cognize the existential reality but comprehend. Therefore, the existential experience of a subject naturally includes not only unconscious
knowledge and experiences, but also incomprehensible and mysterious things.
It is proved that the incomprehensibility of the reality is one of the attributes of
the being. The incomprehensibility
does not mean the essential impossibility of
understanding. Comprehension represents such type of understanding which is
focused on the phenomena and the objects of the world, requiring extraordinary
efforts to be understood. Comprehension is such apprehending of the whole
thing, the parts of which a subject cannot cognize and describe in details for any
reasons. Mystery was analyzed as a scientific and psychological but not mystical
and fantastic phenomenon. Mystery is defined on the basis of psychology of
thought in which a problem situation and a problem differ.
According to modern concepts, the idea of a paradigm is associated
with a certain common approach within the natural sciences in description of a
large class of processes, objects, systems. If we’re talking about a global paradigm,
this means such (global) paradigm should cover the huge classes of objects in nature and society. Today we highlight three global paradigms throughout
modern science, which cover three global clusters of all processes and objects
of living nature and inanimate nature. W. Weaver was first who proposed such
statements in 1948 in his famous publication “Science and complexity”. However,
during nearly 70 years almost no one paid any attention to these statements
(though he spoke very simply about the most important things). W. Weaver has
divided all objects and systems in nature into three giant clusters: the simplest
systems (simplicity), which are described now in the framework of deterministic
theories and models, unorganized complexity (stochastic system) and system of
third type — organized complexity (organized complexity). Under the system of
the third type he understood all living systems, but no special features in their
organization has been identified and learned by W. Weaver. It is now clear that
he could not do the study within the framework of modern science because this
requires a different (third) paradigm and different science.
homeostasis; psychophysiology; the third paradigm; systems of the third type
The results of the development of a new computer guidance
method for senior schoolchildren on the basis of “Formulas of the profession”
(E.A. Klimov) and a modern scheme for the analysis of professions (N.S.
Pryazhnikov) are presented. The main stages of obtaining expert estimates are
shown, which made it possible to correlate the components of professional
activity with the official list of enlarged specialties of the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation. The advantage of 3-level grades of
schoolchildren (“I want”, “I can now” and “could in the future”) is considered
before the traditional assessment of schoolchildren’s actual preferences. In the
process of choosing a profession, the preferred characteristics of future work
activity are set not in the form of direct estimates of their traditional designations
(subject, purpose, means, conditions, etc.), but through paired comparisons of the
main labor activities and training activities. The computer-based online testing
system works with the methodology through the Web-interface on modern
software platforms — Windows, Android, MacOS, iOS, Linux.
professional orientation; expert system; labor actions; training activities; paired comparisons; computer-based online testing
The article presents the results of a study of professional development stages of crises in the choice of profession, vocational training, and at the initial stage of professional activity. We used the methods of a comprehensive program aimed at studying the performance of educational and professional development, the severity of the crisis experiences, personality traits and coping strategies. The sample included high school students, university students, and budding professionals. In total 1,500 people aged 15 to 28 years old. The study revealed a high prevalence of crises in all the studied stages of professional development. The content and extent of the crisis is determined by the stage of development experiences, personal resources, and social situation of development. It is shown that increasing the importance of the choice of profession stage for the subsequent stages of professional development.
personality and professional development ; activity subject; personality ; coping resources; crisis
Attitude to work and features of the manifestation of burnout
syndrome in management activities are considered in the context of the problem
of psychological provision of occupational health. The article discusses the results
of an empirical study aimed at studying the characteristics of attitudes toward
work in the development of the burnout syndrome in management activities,
which acts as one of the key criteria for the professional health of managers. It
is shown that in general, the average level of burnout syndrome is characteristic
for managers, the most significant contribution to the development of which is
made by such functional components as lack of help and lack of psychological
support of colleagues in work, as well as problems of professional development
and self-improvement. Gender differences in the development of burnout
syndrome among managers are analyzed. The obtained results can be used in
the development and implementation of programs for early prevention and
correction of burnout of managers based on the subject-resource approach to
the psychological provision of occupational health of work subjects.
psychology of professional health; burnout; attitude to work; ; resource approach
The article analyzes the concepts of “Ability”, “Professional suitability”, “Professional psychological selection”, in the development and understanding of which a significant contribution was made by E.A. Klimov. Professional psychological selection is considered as a system, the systemforming factor of which is the professional suitability of a person who chooses a specific profession. The content of the concept of ability includes the motivation and experience (knowledge, skills, and abilities) of the individual, by analogy with the dynamic functional structure of personality developed by K.K. Platonov. Its own definition of the term “Abilities” is presented.
ability; professional suitability/unfitness; professional psychological selection; motivation; knowledge; skills
To analyze the stages of mastering professional actions, an
eco-psychological model of the formation of subjectivity is used. As an initial
prerequisite for the development of this model, the notion of continuum
“spontaneous activity — activity in the form of an action” is used. A description
is given of the seven stages of development of subjectivity as the ability to be a
subject of professional action.
Proceeding from his own concept of professional creativity, the author consistently analyzes the concepts of profession and specialty, as well as professionalism, pointing to the factors that led socially and historically to changes in the world of professional activity and the corresponding changes in vocational training. On a vast array of material, it is shown that the process of professional development as the search for non-trivial ways of development of activities should become the basis of professional training in any field.
profession; specialty; professional activity; methods of activity; professionalism
Professional communication in the jury trial is seen as communion lawyers in complex communicative space with two circuits and two foci. We analyze the communicative tasks of lawyers and describe the possible difficulties in communicating in a professional jury, as well as some results of the study of the difficulties of understanding between lawyers and jurors in the trial.
professional communication of lawyers; communicative space; communicative competence; the difficulty of mutual understanding
We propose an approach to the analysis of the psychological mechanism of downshifting on the basis of the model of subjective quality of life. The use of the concept subjective quality of life allows us to approach the development of a model of the psychological mechanism of downshifting and conduct on her holistic analysis of this phenomenon. The model of subjective quality of life criteria are emotional and rational life satisfaction. A necessary condition for the downshifting is a low level of emotional life satisfaction, while the level of rational life satisfaction may be at a high enough level. An important element of objective analysis of downshifting is to modify the subjective component of quality of life as human potential, which determines the rating of the downshifting of the subject his social environment.
downshifting phenomenon; subjective quality of life; normative model; life satisfaction; human potential; subjective well-being
The problem of age-psychological aspects of professional civil
servant destruction is considered. The main stages of development of moral
readiness of the worker for work with strong risks of professional destructions
are singled out. Characteristics of “forced” and “natural” professional destruction
by civil servants are given.
professional destructions; civil servants; professional maturity; psychological enlightenment
The article discusses the problem of responsibility in the exercise of professional self-determination in adolescence. The value of the moral values of the personality as the basis of professional self-determination and the assumption of responsibility for the choice is discussed. The personal components of responsibility are singled out - autonomy and moral character.
personal and professional self-determination; moral-value orientation; responsibility
The article discusses the problem of understanding the construct
of “employee engagement in the organization” in scientific and practical literature.
It is shown that the concept of “organizational commitment”, “organizational
citizenship behavior”, “organizational identification” and “work engagement”
are often seen as overlapping with the construct of “employee engagement in
the organization”. There is also a variety of concepts describing the relationship
of the employee with the organization, which creates terminological confusion
and difficulties for their practical use. It is proposed to merge the concept of
“identification”, “commitment to organization” and “work engagement” in a
more general notion of “involvement of employees in the organization”. Briefly
describe the results of two empirical studies that partly confirm the heuristic
character of this approach.
work engagement; organizational identification; organizational commitment; employee involvement in the organization
The purpose of the cycle of works — analysis of the syndromes
of occupational stress, developing in the context of the implementation of the
various modern types of labor, and individually-personal characteristics of the
working of the human factors that determine resistance to stressful conditions
of activity on the part of ensuring the success of the work safety of mental
health and personal well-being. Describes two developed in the framework
of structural-integrative approach to the stress analysis of a comprehensive
technology for stress management: “Integrated assessment and correction of
stress” and “Individual assessment of stress resistance”. Characterized by their application to solve practical problems in the prevention and correction of stress
conditions of different types of labor.
work activity ; occupational stress; stress-resistance; mechanisms of regulation of activity; psychological technology of stress management
The article presents the results of a study of the relationship of
parent-child relationships teenagers and young men with the status of identity
in professional identity. Revealed that the predominant identity statuses in the
professional sphere in youth are achieved identity, moratorium and predestination;
in adolescence — a moratorium, predestination and diffuse identity. Significant
differences in the nature of the parent-child relationship in groups with statuses
predestination, achieved identity, moratorium and diffused identity. For teenagers
and young men with low status (diffuse identity, predestination) is characterized
by the experience of the integrity of the relationship with the family in direct
command of a parent and low autonomy of children. Adolescents with the status
of the moratorium relationships with parents are characterized by a high level
of autonomy and differentiation from the parental home often combined with
high conflict and confrontation. Integration with family at a sufficiently high
autonomy, respect the opinions of parents of typical teenagers and young men with the status of achieved identity. The gender specificity, reflecting the different
roles of the mother and father in the formation of identity among girls and boys
is revealed. The results show the decisive role of the father in the formation of
identity statuses for both gender groups.
personal and professional self-determination; status identity; predestination; moratorium; and achieved identity; diffuse identity; child-parent relations
This study focuses on the perception of own career on the stage of its completion. Respondents: 30 women and men at the age from 52 to 67 years, professionals in different fields of professional activities. Research methods: interviewing, questionnaires, more options for methods of “Ranking of life values” and “Incomplete sentences”. The resulting materials were subjected to qualitative thematic analysis. The main priorities of respondents in this age group, the strategy and motivation of their professional conduct, resources for employment, and requests for psychological assistance are identified. External and internal factors influencing the formation of strategy of behavior in retirement are established. The material characterizing the image of career in the final stage can be used in psychological consulting practice.
professional career; pre-retirement and retirement age; career strategy; career consulting