Zhambeeva, Z.Z.
Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Differential Psychology and Psychophysiology, Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research.
Typological Differences in General and Special Abilities of Students in Preparation for Socionomic ProfessionsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 4. p. 157-185read more866
Background. Identification of typological differences in abilities of students studying in various areas of specializations at university allows us to predict the trajectory of their development in professional preparation.
Objective. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze typological differences in the general and special abilities of bachelors in preparation for socionomic professions.
Sample. The study has been conducted in 2021–2022 academic years for 98 1–4 courses’ students studying in the area of specialty 39.03.02 Social work.
Methods. The methods used included tapping test in M.K. Kabardov’s modification, a questionnaire of professional preferences by J. Holland, M. O’Sullivan and J. Guilford test, SMRP (SMIL), R. Kettell’s questionnaire, the techniques by L.P. Kalininsky (COAP), and T. Leary’s technique.
Results. The general and special abilities are established. The natural basis of the general abilities (motor indicators), cognitive (social intelligence), and personal characteristics (optimism, extraversion and responsiveness) of students, characteristic of all courses, are found. Differences in special abilities are revealed: in the 1st year, sensitivity and pessimism prevail; in the second year dependence (there is no independence) and responsiveness are observed; in the 3rd efficiency, focus of consciousness on the social goals of activity, dominance and self-confidence are identified; in the 4th research and conventional professionally oriented personality types’ abilities and traits such as social responsibility, ability to analyze and structure activities, independence are developed (0.01 < p < 0.05). A common type for all courses is “social”, characterized by cooperativeness, the ability to interact with people, psychological tact. From the 1st to the 4th year, there is a clear identification of the social worker’s profile and an increase in readiness for socionomic professions (p < 0.05).
Conclusion. It is shown that when preparing for socionomic professions, the most significant signs of the development of general and special abilities are four factors: natural prerequisites (primary-signal or second-signal type of higher nervous activity (HNA)) and social (cognitive and professional) characteristics of the individuals. Typological differences in component combinations of general and special abilities, determined by the orientation of the activity of the individual and the learning conditions, are revealed among students of different courses studying in the specialty “Social Work”.
Keywords: abilities; inclinations; general abilities; special abilities; students; socionomic professions DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-43