Andrey V. Mironov

Resource Subjectivity of the ob Ugrians in the Conditions of Extreme Social ChallengesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 2. p. 32-50read more1418
Backgroud. In conditions of extreme social challenges, human resource subjectivity is of particular importance. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how students with different characteristics, including ethnic ones, in the conditions of the North, studying on individual educational trajectories (hereinafter referred to as IET) and on traditional educational technology adapt in conditions of uncertainty, a pandemic (COVID-19), what personal resources are used by students.
Objective. To identify the features of resource subjectivity among students from among the indigenous peoples of the North (hereinafter referred to as the KMNS of Ugra, Ob Ugrians) studying under different educational models in conditions of extreme social challenges.
Methods. The study involved 72 students: 36 representatives of the Indigenous Minorities of Yugra, 36 Russians. The following data collection methods were used: 1) questionnaire of self-organization of N. Feather and M. Bond (Time Structure Questionnaire, adaptation by E.Y. Mandrikova); 2) scale of basic beliefs by R. Janoff-Bulman (World assumptions scale, adaptation by O. Kravtsova); 3) questionnaire of coping methods by S.Folkman, R.S.Lazarus (Way of Coping Questionare, adaptation by T.L. Kryukova, E.V. Kuftyak); 4) scale of psychological well-being by C.D. Ryff (The scales of psychological well-being, adaptation by T.D. Shevelenkova, T.P. Fesenko); 5) questionnaire of losses and acquisition of personal resources by N. Vodopyanova and M. Stein.
Results. A comparative analysis of students-representatives of the Ob Ugrians studying according to traditional educational technology and individual educational trajectories revealed differences in the parameters of planning resources. A comparison of students representing the Ob Ugrians with students identifying themselves by nationality as Russians showed that significant differences are observed only in terms of implementation resources and achievements (coping strategies).
Conclusion. Students studying in IET have high indicators of resource subjectivity, perseverance is most pronounced as a parameter of self-organization, which allows them to successfully overcome the negative consequences of stress in an academic context. In general, it is necessary to talk about the psychological acculturation of students-representatives of the Ob Ugrians.
Keywords: higher education; pandemic; psychological resources; subjectivity; students; Ob Ugrians DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.02.02