Svetlana Fedotova

Socio-psychological approach in Human-AI interaction: Тrust in artificial intelligence in economic decision makingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 3. p. 40-64read more1357
Background. Artificial Intelligence is being actively introduced into the economic life of the country in the context of the digital economy. Features of economic decision-making based on programs based on Artificial Intelligence are becoming an extremely relevant area of research in social psychology.
Objective of the study was to identify the features of economic decision-making based on recommendations obtained using artificial intelligence.
Methods. The study took place in two stages: an interview and an experiment.
Sample. The sample of the first stage was 8 people (4 men and 4 women, age 18–45). At the second stage, the sample consisted of 289 people (48 men and 241 women), aged 18–25 years.
Results. At the first stage, possible factors of trust and distrust in Artificial Intelligence-based programs were formulated, including the context of economic decisions.
At the second stage, an experiment was conducted where participants were asked to play a stock exchange simulator. The game had the option of contacting an economic adviser. In the experimental group, the adviser was a program based on Artificial Intelligence, in the control group — a person. 5652 economic decisions of the participants were analyzed in terms of the degree of risk of these decisions.
Conclusion. 1. Using a recommendation in the process of making an economic decision has a significant impact on the willingness to risk a resource. 2. In case of agreement with the recommendation, if the source of the recommendation was a program based on Artificial Intelligence technology, then the willingness to take risks was higher. 3. Such an effect can be explained by the specifics of the situation of making an economic decision: the task is quite formal, the time to solve the problem is limited and the decision-making situation is accompanied by a high degree of uncertainty about the consequences of this decision.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; economic decision making; trust in technology; economic behavior; experiment; human-AI interaction DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.03.04