Irina Shapovalenko

Russian-Language Version of the Savoring Beliefs InventoryLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 1. p. 298-322read more2150
The Savoring Beliefs Inventory (SBI) is a measure to assess individuals’ beliefs about their capacity to savor positive life experience. Studies showed positive association of savoring with happiness and well-being. The Russian adaptation of the SBI will help to expand research in the fields of psychological well-being and emotion regulation.
Objective. The present study aimed to validate the Russian version of the SBI and determine its factorial structure.
Method. The participants were 490 adults mainly from Moscow. The following measures were used: the Russian version of the SBI, the life orientation test, the attributional style questionnaire, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, the gratitude scale, the positive and negative affect scale, the satisfaction with life scale, the subjective happiness scale, and the Riff’s scale of psychological well-being.
Results. Confirmatory factor analysis has supported the theoretically expected three-factor structure of the measure. Three factors of savoring the moment, anticipation and reminiscence were moderately related. The validity of the methodology is confirmed by correlations of savoring with indicators of psychological well-being, happiness, dispositional optimism, optimistic attributional style for positive events, gratitude, positive affect, life satisfaction and self-esteem. All three subscales of savoring and total savoring score showed high level of internal consistency. The convergent and structural validity of the method was proved.
Conclusion. The study showed that the Russian version of the SBI is a valid and reliable instrument to assess savoring ability both in total and in three aspects of the past, present and future.Keywords: savoring; savoring strategies; psychological well-being; happiness; positive emotions DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.01.13