Yunsheng Ju

PhD in Philology
History оf Chinese Psychology: OverviewLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 2. p. 3-31read more2866
Background. This material will be very useful for Russian scientists, as it will allow them to evaluate the achievements of Chinese psychology. The authors of the article believe that Russian psychologists will be interested in the history, state of development and achievements of Chinese psychological science.
Objective. This article presents the history of the development of Chinese psychology in various historical periods, and also presents the results of psychology research in various periods in China. The authors try to separate the basic terms “Chinese psychology” and “psychology in China”.
Methods. Making the goal achievemental, we will use such general scientific methods as the analysis of scientific literature, the comparative method, the method of generalization.
Results. With the development of psychology, the importance of applied psychology has increased. The achievements of psychology are extremely important for such fields as education, medicine, and political science. In recent years, technological changes have affected all spheres of life, and the advent of the Internet has also given scope for new approaches and methods of theoretical and applied psychology research. Thanks to Internet technologies, Chinese psychology began to develop actively.
Conclusions. Today, when psychology has become an independent science for more than 100 years of development, it is necessary to study the achievements of ancient Chinese psychological thought for four reasons: firstly, China is one of the birthplaces of psychology; secondly, Chinese psychology has enriched other psychological schools; thirdly, work is needed to create a psychological system with Chinese specifics Fourth, the study of Chinese psychology will allow you to study culture and join the knowledge of ancient Chinese thinkers.Keywords: history of psychology; Chinese psychology; mind; periodization of Chinese psychology; philosophy; China; Marxism; modern Chinese psychology DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.02.01