Solntseva, Galina N.

PhD. in Psychology
Conditions and situations of professional activity – types and perspectives of changesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 74-100read more2167
Relevance of the article is due to the need to predict changes in the characteristics of traditional and new occupations with regard to development of information technologies and automation tools.
The aim of the work is to identify the main areas of optimization and support of professional activities in the conditions of informatization based on the forecast of changes in conditions and situations of activity.
Methods- theoretical analysis and systematization of ideas about the determinants of activity and their integration.
Results. Stability and variability of professional activities are considered within the framework of situational approach, focused on the integration of external conditions and internal variables as the determinant of activities. The study clarifies the concept of activity conditions as characteristics of the environment. The definition of situation is limited to the relation of subjective interpretation and assessment of external conditions to evaluating personal resources in accordance with the purpose and actual experience, the mechanism of which is associated with reflexive regulation of activities. In accordance with the nature of subjective assessment of conditions, the types of situations are divided into ordinary and extreme. The situation is usual (standard) for a subject if the methods of action are well-established and assessed adequately, regardless of the conditions, which can be even dangerous, extreme and emergency. Unusual situations are characterized by a combination of novelty of conditions, on the one hand, and limited experience and resource assessment, on the other hand. According to the characteristics of resources (functional systems and the content of experience) it is suggested to distinguish between situations of tension, characterized by the need to act at the limit of one’s opportunities but within one’s experience, and situations of uncertainty. There are a number of arguments for limiting the notion of "uncertainty" and the corresponding situations to the characteristics of the internal subjective sphere, the source of which are components of activity, not elements of the environment. In situations of uncertainty, it is suggested to distinguish between the situations of problem solving and decisions making, actions that differ in psychological mechanisms, and to consider risk situations as a subcategory of decision making. The systemization of situations formed the basis for the forecast of their changes for traditional and new occupations in the context of advanced information technology, as well as the definition of the directions of software support for action and ensuring the preparedness.
Conclusions. The probability of extreme and emergency situations involving danger for people is unlikely to change. Dangerous situations in professional environments can start to be assessed as ordinary if one forms an adequate concept of conditions and one’s own resources (readiness) by using training systems, including virtual reality tools. Information security problems are being studied intensively, both in terms of theoretical analysis of information environment characteristics and in the development of software protection and minimization of danger. It seems possible to reduce the situations of extreme. Minimizing problem situations can be obtained by creating experience and reducing uncertainty. In decision-making and risk situations it can be obtained through software and technical support for the choice and automation of assessment operations. The possibilities of using software and technology to reduce tension will also be expanded through automation of cognitive and executive operations, alignment of their parameters with the subject’s mental capabilities, formation of skills allowing one to work in a wide range of situations.
Keywords: environment; conditions; situation; extremes; tension; stability; willingness DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.05