Sultanova, Aklima N.

Doctor of Psychology
Psychological determinants of successful adaptation of migrant studentsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 3. p. 129-147read more2066
Relevance. Studies of the psychological characteristics of migrant students in varying degrees of adaptation to the culture of a Russian university make it possible to establish factors affecting the level of adaptation to develop strategies that reduce the level of cumulative stress and, as a result, increase the level of students' knowledge assimilation and preserve the physical and psychological health of the student.
Goal. To study the level of stress and the factors that form it, among migrant students in varying degrees of adaptation to the culture of a Russian university.
Techniques and samples. The study included a group of 109 migrant students of 1–3 courses of study in adolescence from 17 to 20 years old (17.45±0.84), of which 76 (69.72%) men, 33 (30.28%) women; ethnic composition: 45 (41.28%) — Tajiks, 38 (34.86%) — Kyrgyz and 26 (23.86%) representatives of the Kazakh ethnic group. At the research stage, a questionnaire was applied to determine the level of acceptance of Russian culture and the following methods were used: a scale of perceived stress-10, a questionnaire of everyday stressors, a methodology “Life style index” and a questionnaire “Coping strategies” by Lazarus.
Results. The level of stress in migrant students is higher than the norm, and in the process of adaptation it increases, forming accumulative stress. The hierarchization of migrant students according to the criterion of awareness of Russian culture entails a different level of application of coping strategies adapted to the Russian society. Empirically, the dominance of such coping strategies as “planning a solution to the problem”, “taking responsibility” and “positive reappraisal” was revealed in the sample of more adapted migrant students.
Findings. The data obtained indicate that adaptation by the type of integration leads to the implementation of additional resources and an increase in the level of perceived stress.
Acknowledgments: The authors express their gratitude to the management of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Novosibirsk State Agrarian University” for their assistance in carrying out this study.
Keywords: stress; migrant students; coping; adaptation DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.03.07