Lobanova, Tatiana N.

PhD. in Psychology
Analysis of the Motivational Structure and Labor Interests of Managers and Employees in Remote WorkLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 3. p. 200-224read more1476
Background. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the information society in the early 20s of the 21st century faced a new phenomenon of the social and labor environment — the ability to work outside offices, outside workplaces and posts. The psychology of such work has not yet been studied far enough, there is not enough data on its effectiveness, productivity, and most importantly, on the motivation of workers for whom such work has become possible and accessible.
Objective is analyzing the motivational structure, as well as highlighting the content haracteristics of the labor interests of both employees and managers working remotely (online)
Methods. Cluster analysis of structured interviews with employees and managers, F. Herzberg's methodology «Monitoring of labor motives», K. Zamfir's test for determining the motivational complex of employees and the author's methodology «Labor interests of employees» were used as methodological tools.
Samplе. The study sample consisted of 134 people working remotely in an online education company in different departments and in different positions (30% — managers, 70% — specialists).
Results. The study made it possible to identify what content of remote work should be in order for respondents to consider their work interesting. Three key factors of remote work were identified: variety and novelty of tasks for employees, opportunities for professional development, and emotional and personal attitude to functional duties. Intrinsic motivation turned out to be greater than outwardly positive and outwardly negative motivation in 65% of respondents. It was confirmed that the main motive for working remotely is the content of work and, additionally, career development and personal success. The leading labor interests turned out to be professional, career, group and corporate, and not at all economic.
Conclusion. The conducted research shows that the condition of remote work increases interest in the content of the activity and requires increased attention to intrinsic motivation.
Acknowledgements. Author is grateful to Volkov V.V. for assistance in data collection.
Keywords: structure of motivation; motivational complex; labor interests; remote work ; post-industrial economy DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.03.10
Methodology of studying labor interests of employees of modern organizationsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 314-340read more2698
The relevance of this work is associated with the lack in labor psychology of a sufficient number of tools that facilitate the study and assessment of the labor interests of workers.
Objective. The goal is to develop and validate a new methodology for researching the labor interests of workers in modern organizations.
Methods and sampling. A survey toolkit was proposed, the results of which were compared with individual scales of the methods "Studying the motivational profile of a person" (S. Richie and P. Martin), the methodology of F. Herzberg "Monitoring of labor motives" and the method "Motyp" V. Gerchikov. The sample for standardization purposes included workers in modern industries associated with industry 4.0 from 21 to 50 years with a work experience of 0 to 30 years (N = 210).
Results. The author's methodology "Labor interests of workers" has been developed, which includes 35 statements. The content of the statements reflects the theoretical classification of 7 groups of workers' interests: economic; professional; career; group; corporate; territorial and general civil. In assessing these scales, a 5-point gradation is used (from 1 point - not at all important to 5 - very important). The author's interpretation of the data obtained includes: the degree of expression of the labor interests of workers, the structure of labor interests in accordance with the above classification, the analysis of priority types of interests based on the ratings given by the respondents. Statistically significant correlations were obtained between the respondents' answers to individual statements of the methodology and the final result. Numerous direct correlations between indicators of motivation and labor interests were revealed. The reliability factor of the method is 0.662, which corresponds to the average bond strength.
Conclusions. The presented methodology is internally consistent, adequate to the research goal and reliable. The results indicate a high construct validity of this diagnostic tool.
Keywords: labor interests; motivation; methodology "Labor interests of workers"; classification of interests; reliability; validity DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.14