Potapova, Yu.V.

PhD in Psychology
Associate Professor, Department of Gen-eral and Social Psychology, Faculty of Economics, Psychology, Management, Dostoevsky Omsk State University.
Subjective picture of motherhood in russian and foreign studiesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 4. p. 135-167read more3428
The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the variety of research approaches and data obtained make it difficult to form a holistic picture of motherhood as a phenomenon of a woman's inner world. Scientific ideas about motherhood present a necessary basis for the formation of the demographic policy of the state, for the strengthening of family values in society and for the education of young people.
The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize modern studies concerning various aspects of the subjective picture of motherhood, to identify its main components, to comparatively analyze the determinants of the formation of a picture of motherhood, to describe the diversity in the ideas of motherhood.
As a result of the analysis of Russian and foreign studies, the similarities and differences in the interpretations of many aspects of motherhood and the conditionality of the subjective picture of motherhood by a number of socio-cultural factors are described. The leading factors of readiness for motherhood, connection with childhood experiences, social ideas about motherhood, cultural and historical context of family life are reviewed. The article describes the woman's ideas about herself as a future mother, emphasizes the influence of relationships and emotional atmosphere in the parental family, the importance of identification with her own mother and her position in child-parent relationships. The peculiarities of accepting the role of the mother, the reasons for the deviations from the main role and conflicts of a woman as a result of the discrepancy between her behavior and the established (by society, others, family members, herself) role models are highlighted. Attention is payed to the results of empirical studies showing the possibility of harmonious coordination of a woman's maternal self-realization with other forms of self-realization.
It is concluded that cultural traditions, the dominant value orientations in society, ideas about personal success, career, well-being have a significant impact on the subjective picture of motherhood but interpersonal relationships in a close social environment are of predominant importance. The subjective picture of motherhood can be viewed as part of a woman's attitude and worldview. It changes under the influence of life plans and circumstances, numerous external and internal factors.
Acknowgements: The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 19-113-50583.
Keywords: representation of motherhood; readiness for motherhood; self-acceptance of mother; role conflicts of mother; satisfaction with motherhood DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.04.07