Artischeva Lira V.
Ph.D in Psychology
The relationship between forecasting and identification of mental states against the background of emotional well-being and communicative skills of children with hearing disordersLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 3. p. 314-334read more2992
Relevance. The ability of children with hearing impairments to recognize and determine their own conditions and those around them, to build adequate forecasts determines the success in socializing, in their interaction with others, both adults and peers, and in establishing relationships with them, which determines the relevance of the study.
The objective of the study is to determine the specifics of the relationship between the processes of identifying mental states, predicting and criteria for the success of interaction between children and other people measured by communication skills and emotional well-being / distress.
The following methods were used: "Emotional faces" (N.Y. Semago), "Ugadayka" (L.I. Peresleni and V.L. Podobed), "Methodology for determining the level of development of the communicative abilities of preschool children" (N.E. Veraksa), “Scale of emotional distress and atypical behavior” (A.M. Kazmin, N.A. Konovko, O.G. Salnikova, E.K. Tupitsina, E.V. Fedina).
Sample. The study involved 15 preschoolers with hearing impairment , 100 preschoolers without hearing impairment, 16 children of primary school age with hearing impairment, and 40 - without hearing impairment.
Results. It was found that the processes of predicting and identifying mental states are interrelated; the relationship is mediated by other variables (emotional well-being, communication skills), the structure of the relationship is deteriorating with age in children with and without hearing impairments.
The following conclusions were drawn: the structure of prognosis for children with normotypical development and hearing impairment has a general tendency in dynamics ( secondary variables fallout) and specific signs, manifested in the level of complexity and completeness of the structure; having a common foundation (subjective experience) identification and forecasting processes are interconnected only in preschool age; with time their relationship is mediated by additional variables (emotional well-being and communication skills); children with hearing impairments have a less complex structure of the relationship between predicting and identifying mental states against emotional well-being and communication skills.
Keywords: forecasting; identification of mental states; children with hearing impairments; emotional well-being; communication skills DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.03.14