Martsinkovskaya, T.D.
Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Head of the Laboratory of Adolescent Psychology at the Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research; Dean of the Faculty of General and Clinical Psychology, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis; Professor of the Department of Personality Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian State Humanitarian University.
Background. Currently, different versions of Russian and foreign concepts are being developed in a single scientific field. In this context, the high heuristic potential of L.S. Vygotsky’s concept is revealed as his ideas are in tune with the challenges of information culture.
Objectives. The goal of the current work is to present the integrity of L.S. Vygotsky’s concept of culture and the variability of his ideas about emotional experience, sign and tools, the social situation of development, crises at different periods and in different situations in the development of science. The connection between continuity and change over time makes Vygotsky’s concept flexible and productive for a digital society.
Methods. The historical-genetic approach, historical hermeneutics and categorical analysis are used to trace the internal logic and stages of the formation of L.S. Vygotsky’s scientific views, as well as to outline his opponents and the origins of his methodology and discoveries.
Results. Personal and sociocultural (temporary) factors in the emergence and development of the concept of L.S. Vygotsky were analysed. The role of the initial works on the psychology of culture and theatre in the formation of psychological concepts of emotional experience and personality was shown. A holistic picture of the dynamics of the scientist’s views on the development of psyche, the role of the tool-sign, the social situation of development and crises, as factors that determine the boundaries of possible personality changes, the connection between affect and intelligence throughout ontogenesis was presented. The transformation of the concept of interiorisation, which becomes one of the central ones for the development of the psyche in a digital society, was revealed.
Conclusions. Variability over time and, simultaneously, the fundamental integrity of L.S. Vygotsky’s approach to culture in its various forms (word, sign, emotional experience, theatre, society) are the basis for the high productivity and creative potential of his ideas, which make it possible to transform them in different social situations of the development of science. The personality of the creator in the context of his life and the life of his ideas gives possibility to interpret it in terms of the psychology of drama, expanding the boundaries of analysis and incorporation of the scientific worldview and concepts of L.S. Vygotsky in modern psychology.
Keywords: cultural psychology; emotional experience; interiorization; tool-sign; social situation of development; affect; intelligence; concept of crisis DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-24-48
Scientific School of Social Psychology Created by Galina Andreeva: Traditions and ModernityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 3. p. 8-21read more1707
Relevance. The article reveals the epistemological sources of the scientific school of G.M. Andreeva, which became both the basis and the trigger for the development of social psychology at Moscow University in the second half of the ХХ and early XXI centuries.
Goal. Show the relevance and heuristics of the concept of social psychology and social cognition worked out by G.M. Andreeva. This concept makes it possible to study the affective and cognitive aspects of perception and emotion experience of various vectors of sociocultural changes and crises, including situations of frustration and deprivation of a person's living space, digitalization and mediatization of society and culture.
Methods. The methods of historical hermeneutics, historical-genetic and categorical analysis are used, reconstructing the internal logic and the main stages in the development of the scientific school of social psychology and social cognition of G.M. Andreeva, her innovative research methodology and categorical apparatus.
Results. The socio-cultural and intellectual factors of the emergence and creative development of the G.M. Andreeva’s school for more than a half of century are analyzed. The epistemological prerequisites for constructing social psychology as a scientific discipline included in the real context of the life of society and culture are revealed; the main results of the research of social cognition in conditions of social instability and uncertainty are summarizes and construed. The potential of her ideas in the intellectual context of modern psychology is shown.
Conclusions. Transdisciplinary and fundamental openness of the methodological gestalt of the new scientific school of social psychology created by G.M. Andreeva became the key to its fruitful development in the unpredictably changing space of the modern world. The original author's concept of social cognition, proposed by G.M. Andreeva, unites the disciplinary traditions (paradigms) of psychological and sociological social psychology, which diverged in the twentieth century, and makes it possible to study complex psychological phenomena, patterns and mechanisms of modern society and culture.
Keywords: scientific school of G.M. Andreeva; social psychology; psychology of social cognition; social changes DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.03.02