Vzorin, G.D.

Student, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Hierarchical Regulation of Involuntary Memory: Invo lvement into Activity, Lop Effects, and the Fate of Background StimuliLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 2. p. 154-182read more1464
Background. Activity psychology as a metatheory competes with cognitive psychology in the explorative and predictive power. Phenotypical similarity of the results obtained by these two approaches in the research on involuntary memory requires a special analysis, which can be carried out by testing the applicability of the conceptual apparatus of both theories (with the highest relevance of the level of processing framework) in multifactorial studies.
Objective. The study was aimed at a direct experimental examination of the severity of involuntary memorization as an outcome of performing tasks with different requirements to the level of processing: perceptual, semantic, and self-referential.
Sample. Eight hundred twenty-five volunteer students participated in the study, 598 females (72.5%) and 227 males (27.5%).
Methods. A set of 15 visually overlapping dyads “picture-numeral” was presented. Each participant was randomly assigned to perform one of six tasks either focusing on pictures or numerals, and requiring either perceptual, semantic, or self-referential processing of targets. At test, the participants attempted to recall all the presented stimuli.
Results. P.I. Zinchenko’s thesis that activity determines involuntary encoding in the way that target stimuli are remembered much better than material perceived as a peripheral context was empirically replicated. The study revealed the inversion of typical LOP effect for the target material consisting in the decrease of subsequent recall in condition of deeper processing. However, there was a standard LOP effect for background pictorial material in numeral-targeted tasks. To examine the tendency to conjunct overlapping pictures and numerals into entire objects during task performance, we inspected the pairing of background and target stimuli at recall. The background pairing index predicted recall of target stimuli, increasing the percentage of explained dispersion from shadow to deep processing. In case of control for this index, the sum remembering of pictures and numerals returned back to the standard LOP-effect.
Conclusion. The major contribution of activity to involuntary memorization was statistically confirmed. We explained the observed inversion of the standard LOP-effect for targeted numerical stimuli in terms of A.N. Leontiev’s thesis on the fundamental functional mobility of structural units of activity. We examined a tendency to actively combine target and background stimuli into integral operational units, making the initially background material relevant to the goal of action. Statistical control of this tendency reversed the inversion of the LOP-effect so that the sum recalls gradually increased as processing deepened. Thus, we got arguments in favor of the greater explanatory power of the activity approach compared to the standard cognitive approach. The potential of A.N. Leontiev’s theory was employed for the productive assimilation of particular conceptual schemes developed by cognitive psychology and clarifying their place in the multilevel determination of involuntary mnemonic effects generated by activity.Keywords: A.N. Leontiev; activity approach; involuntary memory; P.I. Zinchenko; cognitive psychology; Craik-Lockhart theory; levels of processing theory; conceptual replication DOI: doi.org/10.11621/LPJ-23-21
Dynamics of student’s relations toward health supporting and medical prophylactic measures before COVID-19 and after first stage of pandemiaLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 3. p. 65-82read more2056
Relevance. The present study examines attitudes to health supporting and medical prophylactic measures in students before and after the first stage of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methodology and sample. The study was conducted using an online questionnaire with two stages, each involving more than 150 students.
Results. Students adhere to rational attitudes of health supporting and medical prophylactic, but their severity is insufficient. Hygiene rules are observed, a gentle regime for diseases is observed, health is monitored at home, contacts are limited. They are worried about their own health. Active forms of health supporting and medical prophylactic are insufficiently expressed. Vaccination, hardening, and medical examinations are particularly unpopular.
Attitudes before and after the first stage of the pandemic did not differ significantly. The trends towards an active lifestyle, hygiene rules and adequate behavior in the event of an illness have increased. The popularity of vaccinations has decreased. Egocentric motivation for the use of preventive measures prevails.
Key findings. 1. The commitment of the surveyed students to health supporting and medical prophylactic is assessed as insufficiently high, primarily in relation to active methods. Concerns about health, fears of getting sick are observed. However, these experiences do not activate, rather strengthen the restrictive attitudes.
The impact of the first stage of the pandemic on the attitude of students to health supporting and medical prophylactic was insignificant. There is an increase in skepticism about vaccination.
The motive for applying security measures is to reduce personal risk, social components are less significant. Among the reasons for refusing preventive measures are skepticism about efficiency, unwillingness to support “business on problems”. The reason for the refusal of vaccination is indicated by uncertainty in safety.
Keywords: health supporting; medical prophylactic; motives for applying safety measures; dynamics of attitudes; CODID-19 pandemic; student sample DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.03.03
Quality of life dynamics connected with visual function disorders and surgery treatment resultsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 1. p. 55-76read more3267
Relevance. Studies of Quality of Life (QOL) are among the most topical concerns for both psychological and medical research. Although there are many studies abroad, very few have been done in Russia, and with regard to QOL in relation to vision problems they are practically non-existent.
To develop a Russian-language questionnaire for QOL in relation to vision disorders and the results of their treatment.
To measure the relationship among a priori subjective estimations of visual function, expectations of treatment results, and estimations of treatment effects.
Method. A pilot investigation was conducted using a questionnaire that we devised for QOL in relation to vision impairment. It included three informational blocks: The first was devoted to a priori estimations of visual problems; the second integrated the patient’s expectations concerning different effects of treatment, and the last estimated the treatment results. Nineteen patients with keratoconus took part in the research.
Results.The diagnostic value of the method we developed was empirically confirmed. Ways to fine-tune it to the level of a standardized questionnaire were identified. The comparisons among a priori subjective estimations of visual function, expectations of treatment results, and estimations of treatment effects make it possible to describe the dynamics of QOL. It was shown that subjective estimations of vision are nor related to the objective quality of vision and are probably determined by personality characteristics. Respondents’ treatment results expectations were found to be quite generalized. There are some differences between expectations and estimations of treatment effects: The respondents usually a priori overvalued the instrumental results of the treatment and underestimated the personality-oriented ones.
The questionnaire could be used for QOL investigations. This method could be widely used after appropriate standardization procedures are introduced.
Subjective estimations of visual function are not related to the objective quality of vision and are probably determined by personality characteristics.
- Among the most significant effects of treatment, even though underestimated a priori by the patients, concerned the following aspects of QOL: a positive future-time perspective, life planning, emotional status, and self-conception.
Keywords: quality of life; visual function; subjective estimations; objective treatment results; quality of life development DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.01.04 -