Rossokhin, Andrei V.

Doctor of Psychology
Psycholinguistic analysis of intrapsychic dynamics of personality changes in the course of psychoanalysisLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 1. p. 115-123read more5752
The psychoanalytical theory of object relations along with the subsequent theory of structural changes served as basis for the following research. The intrapsychic field of personality’s object relations is formed in the process of internalization of significant objects, relationships and their corresponding affects. The following article is dedicated to empirical testing of the main assumptions underlying the psychoanalytic theory of structural change. The objective of this research was to evaluate in a structured way the dynamics of reorganization of object relations and intrapsychic structures of the personality of the subject undergoing psychoanalysis. The evaluation was based on the method of psycholinguistic analysis. The results of the psycholinguistic analysis of the dynamics of intrapsychic changes confirmed main hypothesis: namely that in the process of psychoanalysis there is a reorganization of internal object relations; psychoanalytic work brings about intrapsychic transformations in personality, specifically, the indicator of the psychic structure Ego increases while at the same time the indicators of psychic structures Id and Super-Ego decrease.
Keywords: personality ; psychoanalysis ; psycholinguistic analysis ; object relations; intrapsychic transformations; dreams DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.01.115
Intrapsychic dynamics of personality changes in the course of psychoanalysis: A psychosemantic analysisLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 3. p. 106-118read more4208
The psychoanalytical theory of object relations along with the subsequent theory of structural changes served as basis for the following research. The intrapsychic field of personality’s object relations is formed in the process of internalization of significant objects, relationships and their corresponding affects. The following article is dedicated to empirical testing of the main assumptions underlying the psychoanalytic theory of structural change. The objective of this research was to evaluate in a structured way the dynamics of reorganization of object relations and intrapsychic structures of the personality of the subject undergoing psychoanalysis. The evaluation was based on the method of differentiated semantic categories. The results of the semantic analysis of the dynamics of intrapsychic changes confirmed main hypothesis: namely that in the process of psychoanalysis there is a reorganization of internal object relations; psychoanalytic work brings about intrapsychic transformations in personality, specifically, the indicator of the psychic structure Ego increases while at the same time the indicators of psychic structures Id and Super-Ego decrease.
Keywords: identification; personality ; psychosemantic analysis; internalization; semantic differential; psychoanalysis ; object relations; intrapsychic transformations; projection
Reflection of the altered states of consciousness in psychoanalysis (part 2).Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 2. p. 152-167read more7054
Psychoanalysis presents unique empirical material for the research of the dynamics of personality reflection in altered states of consciousness and its impact on different aspects of vital activity of the personality. Transference and countertransference altered states of consciousness were in focus of interest of the first part of the article. It was shown that as altered states of consciousness become deeper during the psychoanalytical process the reflexive processes of a personality enhance, become more active and change qualitatively, which is expressed in particular in the formation of the active «reflexive I». Reflexive activity of the personality in countertransference and combined transference-countertransference altered states of consciousness was analyzed in this second part of the article.
Keywords: personality ; reflection ; psychoanalysis ; altered states of consciousness ; psychoanalytical process ; transference; counter-transference; regression
The work is aimed at the studying of the dynamics of internal polylogue during psychoanalytical process. New conception of interpolylogue was introduced and grounded. An interpolylogue arises during external dialogue of two subjects by nonlinear multivariate and conflicting interaction of three components: the internal polylogues of every subject and external dialogue between them. An assumption about interpolylogue nature of consciousness was made.
Keywords: psychoanalytical process ; dialogue; internal polylogue; interpolylogue; reflection; consciousness ; unconsciousness
Reflection of the altered states of consciousness in psychoanalysisLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 3. p. 88-104read more4207
Psychoanalysis presents unique empirical material for the research of the dynamics of personality reflection in altered states of consciousness and its impact on different aspects of vital activity of the personality. it was shown that as altered states of consciousness become deeper during the psychoanalytical process the reflexive processes of a personality enhance, become more active and change qualitatively, which is expressed in particular in the formation of the active «reflexive i».
Keywords: personality ; reflection ; psychoanalysis ; psychoanalytical process ; transference; regression; counter-transference