Batenova Yulia V.
Ph.D in Psychology
Associate Professor, Ph. D. (Psychology), Associate Professor At The Department for Developmental Psychology and Consultation, South Ural State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University. Associate Professor at the Department for Dvelopmental Psychology and Age Counseling, South Ural State University (National Research University
Intensification of the Digital Experience of Preschool Children: Cognitive ConsequencesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 4. p. 4-20read more3261
Background. The widespread use of personal computers in everyday life has led to the need for their use in the programs of children's institutions. However, so far little is known about the impact of the use of personal computers on the cognitive abilities of preschoolers.
Objective. The goal of the study to analyze key empirical data presented in the current scientific literature and to identify the relationship between the use of information technology and the cognitive abilities of preschool children.
Design. We used three tests that, in our opinion, allow us to assess the cognitive abilities of children in this age group: “TV,” “Your vocabulary,” and “Labirint”.
Results. Our results reveal the nature of the relationship between cognitive changes in children and their user activity on a personal digital device (computer) which is firmly established in the life of not only the family, but also a preschool educational organization. As a result of the deep theoretical analysis of the data presented in foreign and domestic literature and electronic sources, we were able to structure a study, the logic of which, along with the use of mathematical statistics, allows us to come to reliable conclusions.
Conclusion. From the perspective of the development of cognitive skills in children of preschool age, the results showed that the time spent at the computer has a positive effect which is cumulative, since it has an impact on test results one year later.
Keywords: information technologies ; children senior preschool age; computers; time; cognitive abilities DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.04.04