Shelina, Svetlana L.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow, Russia
The role of the organizational component in learning the actions with posited propertiesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 4. p. 178-195read more3234
Relevance.The effectiveness of the method of the gradual formation of intellectual actions, which was developed by P.Y. Galperin and his followers, has been repeatedly proved in research. However, several questions remain open, and their solution is very likely to facilitate an active implementation of the ideas of this scientific school in pedagogical practice at large. Among such questions is the issue of the mechanisms of ‘teaching the actions with specified properties’.
Objective. 1) to analyse the results of the forming experiments in order to reveal the occurrences of change during the acquisition of the original structural organization of an action, 2) to provide a detailed rationale for the necessity to examine the role of the activity organization component in teaching intellectual actions with specified properties.
Method. The analysis on the proposition of the system approach that the object’s observed property is to be viewed as a result of the interactionamong the system elements.
Results. Three types of organizational changes have been observed in the course of acquisition by the student: 1) the restructuring of the action; 2) the restructuring of the relations in the set of interrelated actions; 3) the change of the original co-organization of the acting subjects.The hypotheses are made:1) about the existence of a functional link among the types of the action organization changes that have been identified; 2) about the existence of a prototypical organizational form that predetermines the way in which an acquirable intellectual action is structured.
Conclusion. The examination of the new research hypotheses will contribute to further understanding of the formation of the actions with specified properties.
Keywords: actions with specified properties DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.04.178