Zinovjeva, Elena V.
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Department of Social Psychology, St. Petersburg, Russia
Historical memory of 90th XX century in Russia: psychological aspectsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 4. p. 74-88read more3623
Relevance. 90thXX century is a very dramatic period of modern Russian history. During this period, dramatic changes have been in different spheres (economic, political, international etc.) in Russia, also values and social norms have changed dramatically. Memory lane and representations of this period influence on their representation of modern times. Therefore, it is very important to investigate historical memory of this period.
Objective. The goal of the study is to investigate psychological aspects of 90th’XX century in Russia historical memory and to compare contemporaries’ associations with youth’s associations with the epoch of 90th.
Method. Questionnaire “Representations of 90thXX century in Russia” (E. Sinelnikova)
Sample. 154 participants, 60 participants at the main stage of the study: 29 participants youthful age (mean age – 19 years), 31 adulthood, contemporaries of 90th(mean age – 52,1 year).
Results. The most frequent associations with 90thare financial crisis (devastation), deficit, deliberation, corruption, and perestroika (transformation in different spheres of society. Young participants associated the 90thwith corruption statistically significant more often than contemporaries of 90th. 90th’contemporaries associated 90thwith perestroika statistically significant more often than students. The most important sources of information about 90thare: experience (for contemporaries), TV, films, newspapers and journals. Internet is an important source of information about 90thonly for the young people.
Conclusion. 90thXX century in Russia in young people’s representations are more associated with crime and riots. In contrast, in contemporaries’ associations the epoch is more associated with transformations in different spheres of society and economic problems.
Keywords: historical memories; 90th XX century in Russia; associations DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.04.74