Agasaryan, Margarita B.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow, Russia
The problem of accompanying individual trajectories of education in the epoch of digital childhoodLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 2. p. 40-55read more4195
Relevance. The individualization of education, the rapid expansion of the sphere of digital knowledge and the risks associated with cyber-socialization put the problem of a professional psychological organization and pedagogical “accompaniment” of individual trajectories of education for children and adolescents.
Objective. Identification the invariable elements of activity to support individual learning trajectories.
Methods. Analysis of literature; synthesis of theoretical and empirical (case study) methods.
Results. According to the comparative analysis of the approaches to the mentoring organization, the structures of the activities of the tutor, the curator (facilitator), the coach, as well as the essential and formal limitations of the various approaches in solving the problems of accompanying individual learning paths identified and described. It was founds that the compared approaches have fundamentally different attitudes towards the subject of activity. Academic tutoring is more effective in modern educational environments in comparison with curatorship and coaching. The stages of accompanying the individual trajectory of learning, carried out within the framework of psychological counseling for adults, were determined empirically.
Conclusions. The acts of transformations in the structure of the activity of an academic tutor fully correlate with the stages of tutoring humanistic counseling, and can be transfer to work with children, taking into account the specifics of each particular age and personal characteristics of the pupil. A general orientation of the activity on accompanying the individual training trajectory has been develop, which can become the basis for training mentor specialists and be used in the work of tutors.
Keywords: coaching; activity; orienting; individual trajectory of education; accompanying individual trajectory of education; tutoring DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.02.40