Vakhantseva Olga V.

Laboratory Assistant at Laboratory of Adolescent Information Security, Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Researches.
Cultural Mediation of the Identity of the Digital Generation: Perspectives on the Analysis of Internet Activity and Social MediaLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 2. p. 73-107read more1787
Background. The Internet and social media play an important role in the mental and personal development of children and youth. Recent studies have shown that the daily Internet activity of the digital generation (creating a profile, chatting with friends, comments and likes, etc.) is associated with the establishment of personal identity, relationship with peers, social involvement, as well as self-expression. Thus, the analysis of social media becomes an important issue in the study of socialization and personality identity.
Objective. The relevance of a theoretical review in this area is due to the need to structure existing ideas on the role of culture in the development of identity in a digital society. One of the important tasks is to systematize the empirical data accumulated in different ethno-cultural contexts through traditional and innovative methods of research. Current research focuses on the impact of Internet activity in social media on the identity development in a member of the "digital society".
Results. Contemporary science around the globe has accumulated data on the cultural mediation of identity. The results of studies obtained in different sociocultural contexts indicate that the use of social networks by the younger generation, their behavior on the Internet, the influence of the Internet and social media on identity largely depend on the cultural characteristics of a particular society.
Numerous though often contradictory results require systematization and generalization, analysis of the possibilities and limitations of the methods used to study online identity. In particular, the methods of big data analysis, which are gaining popularity, are widely praised for the possibilities they can provide. However, the application of these methods in social and psychological research remains ambiguous, which becomes topical in connection with ethical issues, such as invasion of privacy through the collection of personal data of users (especially when children and adolescents are involved). Moreover, it seems hard to neglect doubts about objectivity and accuracy of these methods.
Conclusion. The article considers modern ideas on the identity development of the younger generation in its connection with Internet activity and the use of social media. The results of studies that confirm the cultural mediation of online identity are analyzed. Possibilities and limitations of the analysis of Internet activity and social media in the study of identity are demonstrated. Recommendations on the effective and ethical application of such analysis as well as on the combination of big data analysis with traditional socio-psychological research methods are summarized.
The review will contribute to an in-depth study of global and culturally determined trends in the identity development of the digital generation at the present stage of cultural and historical evolution of society. It will also outline the prospects for analyzing Internet activity and social media while studying these trends.
Keywords: identity; virtual self; digital subject; digital generation; mental development; cultural mediation; ethno-cultural context; big data; data mining DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.02.04
Cultural determination of mental health and psychological well-being: methodological issueLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 2. p. 3-23read more6385
Relevance.The growth of mental health disorders, psychological problems in modern society among different categories of the population, including representatives of different cultures and faiths and the lack of cultural development of specific approaches to understanding mental health and psychological well-being raise the problem of cultural conditionality of representations of mental health and psychological well-being in a number of important interdisciplinary problems, of high scientific and practical importance in such multinational and multicultural countries as Russia.
Objective.To examine the relationship between cultural context and mental health and psychological well-being.
Methods.Review and analysis of current research in the field of cultural conditioning of various aspects of mental health and psychological well-being.
Conclusions.The analysis of the different approaches to the study of representations of mental health and psychological well-being has allowed to establish that the existing differences in ways of coping with stress, the level of stigma in seeking psychological help have cultural conditioning and do not only depend on socio-economic living conditions, but also on subjective perceptions of these phenomena, as well as ethnic and cultural identity of people in a particular society. The urgency and necessity of development of new and cultural-specific adaptation of existing diagnostic tools for comparative study of ideas about mental health and psychological well-being within one territorially united society, which is characterized by high ethnic and cultural diversity, are shown.Keywords: mental health; culture; psychological well-being; coping strategies; ethnocultural identity; stigms DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.02.03