Mazilov, V.A.

Doctor of Psychology
Doctor in Psychology
Yaroslavl, Russia
Creative Person. A.N. Leontiev and Russian PsychologyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 2. p. 46-66read more1218
Background. The study of the contribution of Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev to the development of Russian psychological science makes it possible to evaluate his outstanding personal qualities, organizational skills, and the talent of a scientist and researcher.
Objective. The study is aimed to analyze the role of A.N. Leontiev in the development of Russian psychology as a field of independent scientific knowledge.
Methods. The material was obtained in the study of memories on the life and work of A.N. Leontiev. The analysis of theoretical and methodological research on the problems of psychological science was also conducted.
Results. The analysis showed that A.N. Leontiev is one of the few psychologists who took responsibility for the development of psychological science in the USSR. This was reflected in the systematic and fundamental organizational activity, in the creation of psychological faculties, scientific journals, training of personnel for psychological institutions. A.N. Leontiev played a significant role in the rapprochement of Soviet and foreign psychology, acquaintance of Soviet psychologists with the research of psychologists abroad. At the same time, A.N. Leontiev managed to make a significant contribution to the solution of theoretical and methodological issues of world psychology. It is asserted that the achievements of A.N. Leontiev in the areas of organizational, scientific, research activities are explained by a combination of personal qualities of a scientist associated with the ability to think strategically, see a systematic solution to problems, and take responsibility.
Conclusion. The most significant achievements of A.N. Leontiev are associated with institutionalizing psychology, training psychological personnel, solving fundamental theoretical and methodological problems of Soviet psychology. Despite the vast research on the personality and activity of A.N. Leontiev within Russian psychological science, the task of archival work with sources and materials remains of great importance. There is an urge for broad generalization of the results in the life and creative paths of the scientist, for the spread of materials about A.N. Leontiev among modern young psychologists.Keywords: A.N. Leontiev; anniversary; soviet psychology; personality DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-15
Time connecting thread: the book S.G. Gellerstein “Methodology of Psychotechnics”Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 1. p. 81-86read more3557
Review of the book S.G. Gellerstein “Methodology of Psychotechnics”
Keywords: review of the book
Personal Situational Activity in Forced Self-Isolation: Socio-Psychological AspectLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 1. p. 158-180read more1453
The relevance of the study is due to the lack of social experience in a situation of forced self-isolation and the need for a detailed study of its general social and individual consequences.
The research is based on the authors’ concept of situational activity of a person, which considers a person as a social subject who performs activity depending on the specific characteristics of personal-situational interaction regulated by the social context.
The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the situational activity of a person who has experienced forced self-isolation.
Methods & sample. The study was conducted with the use of the author's inventory “Assessment of situational activity of a person” (АSA). The measurement was carried out twice: in September 2020 and in May 2021. The sample of the first measurement consisted of 130 people: 37 men and 93 women aged 22–39 years. The sample for repeated measurement (30 subjects: 12 men and 18 women) was stratified and selected based on the analysis of the data of the first measurement.
The analysis allowed us to formulate the conclusions:
1. The situation of forced self-isolation is a life difficulty that causes contradictions in the perception of a person's characteristics due to the lack of stable social norms for experiencing such events.
2. The individual evaluation model of forced self-isolation is characterized by high intensity of the physiological component, hypertrophy of the mental component, and disharmony of the reflexive component of situational activity
3. An individual in most cases chooses the strategies of coping and hyper-coping types of situational activity. At the same time, the choice of hyper-coping strategies indicates an extreme mismatch in the processes of personal-situational interaction, which can be considered in some cases as a trend to form undesirable social behaviors.
Keywords: personality ; situation; categorization of the situation; individual assessment model of the situation; coping; hyper-coping DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.01.07