Glotova, G.A.
Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Professor, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Research of parameters of emotional and personal well-being of the Russian students (the end)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 3. p. 60-75read more3955
Relevance. The relevance of the research is caused by the need of more detailed studying of the emotional and personal well-being of modern students for the purpose of rendering psychological assistance to them on its optimization.
Objective. The work purpose — the analysis of various aspects of emotional and personal well-being of students. Methods: "Self-assessment of Emotional and Personal Well-being (SEPWB)" of G.A. Glotova and L.V. Karapetyan, "Social and psychological adaptation" of K. Rogers and R. Diamond and "Attributional Style Questionnaire" of M. Seligman.
Samples: the main sample - students (n=430), comparison samples – non-student youth (n=608) and convicts (n=99).
Results. By a method of SEPWB it is shown that students on set of parameters of a self-assessment of emotional and personal well-being occupied an intermediate position between the group of non-student youth where estimates are higher student's and group of convicts where estimates of emotional and personal well-being the lowest; in a number of parameters of a method of SEPWB age distinctions between "younger" (17-20 years) and "senior" (21-25 years) student's groups are received; there were no significant differences between the female and male subgroups of students in direct comparison without taking their age into account, but when divided into two age subgroups (17-20 and 21-25 years old), gender differences were observed; a number of correlations of parameters of the SEPWB method and indicators of "Social and psychological adaptation" method of C. Rogers and R. Diamond and "Attributional Style Questionnaire" method of M. Seligman were obtained; four types of the students differing with the level of a self-assessment of emotional and personal well-being on the basis of the SEPWB index – two extreme types and two intermediate are allocated: students with the SEPWB high index, with the increased index, with the reduced index and the low index of SEPWB.
Conclusions. The results confirm the possibility of using the "Self-assessment of emotional and personal well-being" method for studying the age and gender differences between students, as well as characteristic types of experience and assessment of their inner well-being.
Keywords: emotional and personal well-being; self-assessment; psychological correlates; age and gender differences DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.03.60
Research of parameters of emotional and personal wellbeing of the Russian studentsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 2. p. 76-88read more4895
Relevance. The relevance of the research is caused by the need of more detailed studying of the emotional and personal well-being of modern students for the purpose of rendering psychological assistance to them on its optimization.
Objective. The work purpose — the analysis of various aspects of emotional and personal well-being of students. Methods: "Self-assessment of Emotional and Personal Well-being (SEPWB)" of G.A. Glotova and L.V. Karapetyan, "Social and psychological adaptation" of K. Rogers and R. Diamond and "Attributional Style Questionnaire" of M. Seligman.
Samples: the main sample - students (n=430), comparison samples – non-student youth (n=608) and convicts (n=99).
Results. By a method of SEPWB it is shown that students on set of parameters of a self-assessment of emotional and personal well-being occupied an intermediate position between the group of non-student youth where estimates are higher student's and group of convicts where estimates of emotional and personal well-being the lowest; in a number of parameters of a method of SEPWB age distinctions between "younger" (17-20 years) and "senior" (21-25 years) student's groups are received; there were no significant differences between the female and male subgroups of students in direct comparison without taking their age into account, but when divided into two age subgroups (17-20 and 21-25 years old), gender differences were observed; a number of correlations of parameters of the SEPWB method and indicators of "Social and psychological adaptation" method of C. Rogers and R. Diamond and "Attributional Style Questionnaire" method of M. Seligman were obtained; four types of the students differing with the level of a self-assessment of emotional and personal well-being on the basis of the SEPWB index – two extreme types and two intermediate are allocated: students with the SEPWB high index, with the increased index, with the reduced index and the low index of SEPWB.
Conclusions. The results confirm the possibility of using the "Self-assessment of emotional and personal well-being" method for studying the age and gender differences between students, as well as characteristic types of experience and assessment of their inner well-being.
Keywords: emotional and personal well-being; self-assessment; psychological correlates; age and gender differences DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.02.76
Notions of school students about project and research activityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2017, 4. p. 34-53read more3999
Ideas of the school students having experience of participation in the educational project and research activity (PRA) about educational researches and projects are considered that is relevant due to the need of formation, since high school, experts of research type.
Objective: to reveal the attitude of school students towards various aspects of project and research activity.
Methods: “Unfinished sentences”; questioning on the questions connected with participation in PRA; nonverbal method “Emoticons”. Sample included 84 school students of the fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth grades.
Results: The unfinished sentences method identified seven categories of definitions that school students give to educational researches and projects. Questioning has shown that school students prefer voluntary participation in educational project and research activity; concerning preference of educational researches or projects there are differences in verbal and nonverbal answers, however in ninth grade both methods found that students preferred educational researches to projects; the readiness for implementation of educational projects on all studied subjects from a third to a half of school students has been estimated by low points; the desire in future professional activity to carry out projects and researches has been estimated, mainly, by average points.
Conclusions: The revealed general tendency reflects the positive attitude towards the above-named educational technology; however, there are both significant individual differences, and the differences between grades in ideas of school students of project and research activity and the attitude towards it demanding profound studying for the purpose of further improvement of this educational technology.
Keywords: educational projects and researches; learning; interests and preferences of pupils; readiness for project and research activity DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2017.04.34