Rozhdestvenskaya N.A.

Doctor of Psychology
Professor, Doctor in Psychology
An attempt to study ways of interpersonal perception: a new diagnostic methodLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 4. p. 67-77read more4172
The authors represent a diagnostic method, testing ways of interpersonal cognition. They describe an attempt to study the ways of interpersonal perception at adolescents of 14—15 years old. Respondents’ ways of interpersonal cognition were correlated with their school advancement and data of tests on intellect, anxiety and sociometry choice. It was shown that the method, described at this article, has a differentiating strength and it can be used for studying personality development in further researches.
Keywords: ways of interpersonal perception; a diagnostic method; adolescents
Training of constructive behavioral strategies with adolescentsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 1. p. 110-116read more4543
The article deals with the development of constructive behavioral strategies at adolescents. The authors describe the results of the research devoted to adolescents’ behavioral strategies (according to K. Tomas) in conflict situations. The results of two experimental trainings show, that the development of cooperation and compromise strategies in trainings should be based on a role-playing and some exercises, contributing their development. The exercises developing cognitive ways of interpersonal perception contribute more to cooperation development. Exercises, developing emotional self-regulation, contribute more to compromise development.
Keywords: behavioral strategies in conflict situations; adolescents; a psychological training
Interpersonal cognition and its development in teachers’ education.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 3. p. 87-99read more4970
This article deals with researches of the cognitive component of interpersonalcognition, and it also studies a possibility of improving it during the process of teachers’education. On the basis of numeral researches data the author describes mistakes, peoplemake estimating one another, and, as a result, she offers the model of interpersonalcognition strategies, allowing minimizing them. The author describes the researches,carried out under her leadership, showing that teachers, who use these strategies,estimate children’s personality feathers much better, than their colleagues, who are notable to use them. The author also presents the method “Improvement of the Strategiesof Interpersonal Cognition”, and analyzes forms and conditions of its usage in theprocess of teachers’ education.
Keywords: principles and strategies of interpersonal cognition ; the method “Improvement of the Strategies of Interpersonal Cognition”