Lunkina, Maria V.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow, Russia
Self-esteem contingencies and satisfaction of basic psychological needs as sources of psychological well-being of adolescentLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 1. p. 214-229read more6199
Relevance. The problem of self-esteem contingenciesis currently less studied empirically than the level and the stability of self-esteem. But at the same time self-esteem contingencies is verypromising topic that allows to better understanding the problems of the psychological well-being and personal maturity of the adolescent.
Objective. The study is devoted to the connection of such types of self-esteem contingencies of adolescent as self-esteem based on competence, self-esteem based on teacher approval, self-esteem based on parental approval and compensatory self-esteem with various aspects of adolescent well-being and satisfaction of basic psychological needs by parents.
Methods. 223 adolescents were recruited for the study. Techniques were filled during school lesson. It was used Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale, the multidimensional scale of schoolchildren’s life satisfaction, the scale of basic psychological needs satisfaction in family and an author’s scale for diagnosing self-esteem contingencies.
Results. It was shown that the types of self-esteem contingenciesmake a different contribution to psychological well-being. Self-esteem based on competence contributes to self-satisfaction, self-esteem based on the approval of parents - family satisfaction, and self-esteem based on the approval of teachers - satisfaction by school. Compensatory self-esteem although leads to self-satisfaction, hinders satisfaction with family and school. At the same time, adolescents whose parents satisfy their basic psychological needs are more satisfied and have more authentic types of self-esteemcontingencies.
Conclusions. The self-esteem based on competence and self-esteem based on obtaining approval and support from significant people are more authentic, healthy and contributing to psychological well-being than compensatory one. The findings provide grounds for adolescent’s training aimed at developing psychological competencies that promote self-esteem such skills of constructive thinking, formulation and advocacy of their position, self-evaluation and coping with distress. As well as for counseling with parents and teachers to build relationships based on the provision of autonomy, support and respect for adolescents.
Keywords: contingencies of selfesteem; self-esteem; subjective well-being; basic psychological needs; adolescents DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01.214
The changes in scienti c conception of connection between aspects of self-respect...Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2017, 3. p. 60-75read more10349
The purpose of the review is to explore the transformation of ideas about the relationship of various parameters of self-esteem with subjective well-being, the productivity of educational activity and the success of a professional career. Iinitially, the level of self-esteem (high or low) was considered as the most important parameter. The studies show that people with a high level of self-esteem have more positive self-attitude, their subjective well-being is higher, they are less prone to depression and anxiety disorders, and they show more positive expectations about future achievements and relationships with other people. They are more persistent when meeting failures. On the other hand, the level of self-esteem does affect the productivity neither of the activity nor the quality of the relationship. In addition, high self-esteem is often a heterogeneous category, which includes not only the acceptance of one's ppositive qualities but also narcissistic and defensive components. The contradictory role of self-esteem level has prompted researchers to address other parameters of self-esteem: stability or instability and the contingencies of self-esteem. These parameters are closely related; they affect the subjective well-being and quality of activity and allow shedding lightt on the role of self-esteem in the mental life of a person. The analysis led to the conclusion that the identification and delineation of healthy and neurotic contingencies of self-esteem is a promising area for further research, which can help in the formation of healthy self-esteem in children and adolescents.
Keywords: self-esteem; high and low self-esteem; stable and unstable self-esteem; contingencies of selfesteem DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2017.03.60