Tvorogova, Nadezhda D.

Doctor of Psychology
Head of the Department of pedagogy and medical psychology, head of the "Clinical psychology" Admission Department , I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Lecturer at domestic university facing the challenges of our timeLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2017, 3. p. 3-21read more4173
Russia joined the European Higher Education Area (Bologna process), that made innovative changes in the organization of educational process in Russian universities an urgent issue. The article raises questions concerning the difficult position of the lecturer in the context of the restructuring of university life, the lecturer’s health and subjective well-being, productivity and quality of his work. It is argued, that innovative educational activity increases not only time, physical, professional, social load for the lecturer, but as well the load on his personality; the work of the lecturer in these conditions is becoming increasingly high-tech, requiring great intellectual and emotional engagement. The authors propose to consider the indicators of subjective well-being (somatic, mental, social, spiritual) of the educational process participants as one of the objective functions of pedagogical technologies development and as one of the indicators of pedagogical activity efficiency. The article covers in detail such factors of the productivity lecturers’ work as educational process automation and lecturers’ activity management. The authors note that the educational process automation through the use of complex forms of artificial intelligence is possible only if it is based on the intellectual potential created by previous generations of university lecturers and scientists. The idea is suggested about the need to save the teaching staff of universities and about the special responsibility of university management for developing the conditions for creative self-realization of teaching personnel. The organization and periodic certification of lecturers is analyzed as one of the areas of university management. The emphasis is placed on the importance of lifelong professional training of high school lecturers and education managers.
Keywords: innovative university; automation of educational process; quality of teaching activity; the lecturer as a value of educational system; certification of lecturers; the management system of education quality DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2017.03.03