Matveeva, Lydia V.

Doctor of Psychology
Faculty of Psychology
Regional identity as a predictor of civil identity in the country's youthLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 3. p. 148-174read more2221
Relevance. The article discusses the actualization of the concept of “regional identity” for psychological science. In many ways, for the first time there is a comparison of the categorical structure of ideas about the country and about its own region.
Objective. Comparison of the image of Russia and the images of their own regions among young people living in various regions of the country.
Methods. Semantic scaling technique with further factorization of the obtained data. The study involved 318 respondents from 8 different macro-regions of the country.
Results. A 6-factor structure of representations of the image of Russia and the image of its own region was obtained. These structures have their own significant differences, both in the structure of factors itself, and in the degree of importance of the hierarchy of factors. The regional identity of youth, to a certain extent, determines the modality of the adoption of civic identity.
Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it can be argued that for those young people who developed a positive image of their own region, a positive image of the country as a whole was formed.
Acknowledgments. The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project number 19-313-90069.
Special gratitude for help in organizing data collection Anastasia Zvezdina, head of the department of the Center for Youth Projects, ANO DPO “Corporate University of Russian Railways”.
Keywords: civic identity; regional identity; psychosemantics; macroregions of Russia; young people living in various macro-regions of the country DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.03.08
The perception of children of preschool and younger school age of the characters of domestic and foreign cartoonsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 3. p. 105-123read more6161
Relevance. Cartoons carry the information about the world, human relations, norms of behavior and values to children, forming a kind of information "zone of the nearest development" of a child in the terminology of L.S. Vygotsky. In a situation of intercultural competition, it is important to understand what symbols, values, meanings, norms of behavior, perceived from domestic and foreign cartoons, can positively and/or negatively transform the process of socialization and development of the child's personality.
Objective. Research of specificity of perception of esthetic and moral characteristics of heroes of domestic and foreign animated films by children of preschool and primary school age.
Methods. Focus group interview, expert survey, semantic differential.
Sample. 24 kids 4-5 years; 30 pupils of primary school 8-9 years. Kindergarten teachers and teachers of primary school, 10 females 36-50 years.
Results. Foreign cartoons in the perception of children surpass domestic in quality of performance, modernity and attractiveness of the behavioral patterns of the characters, but lose in depth of the topic revelation. For preschoolers, the main carriers of values are the main characters of cartoons. Categories: "mind", "force", “beauty”, "kindness", "danger", "justice" are leadingin assessments of behavior of characters. Children record social distance through the categories of "Senior – Junior" and "Big – Small". Younger pupils do not see the moral background of the behavior of the small character of “Tom and Jerry” cartoon.
Conclusion. The results show that children are able to distinguish cartoon characters by cognitive categories, aesthetic category and also by moral. The content of the information environment, in which children immersed today, can inhibit the development of communication abilities of children and their emotional intelligence.
Keywords: perception; development ; child socialization; animated films; image of the hero; character assessment categories DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.03.105
The study of danger perception transformations under the influence of mass media.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 4. p. 66-75read more5156
This article describes a study of short and long term effects of media on the dander perception. With the new questionnaire «Dangerous situations assessment» were refined by the existing classification of dangers, as well as developed a new classification based on subjective perceptions of dangerous situations. We show the difference in perceptions of risk in men and women and especially their transformation under the influence of news coverage. We give recommendations for the compilation of news releases, taking into account the psychological mechanisms of perception of dangerous situations that are shown on television.
Keywords: mass media; “Dangerous situations assessment” ; danger perception; TV; news discourse