Kuznetsova Alla S.

Ph.D in Psychology
Department of Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology
Moscow, Russia
Work stress and proactive coping strategies in hospital nurses during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemicLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 199-236read more3139
Relevance. The article presents the results of published studies’ review and the empirical study, targeted to estimate job stressors and proactive coping strategies in nurses during COVID-19 pandemic. The research urgency is connected with the necessity to evaluate psychological availability of nurses to be resistant to high work strain and risk of SARS-CoV-2 contamination.
Objectives. The research aim: to compare stress level, job stressors evaluation and proactive coping strategies in nurses with high and low chronic states.
Methods. Diagnostic set included: Chronic stress and fatigue inventories by A.B. Leonova; Job stress survey by Ch. Spielberger; Professional burnout inventory by N.E. Vodopyaynova; Proactive coping inventory by E. Greenglass; checklist “Means states’ optimization” by A.S. Kuznetsova.
Sample. Hospital nurses (n = 306; age 43,2±10,9; service 20,7±11,5).
Results. Revealed job stressors are typical for nurses: inadequate salary, insufficient time for breaks, excessive paperwork and increased responsibility. Strong differences in job stressors evaluation are found between nurses of risk group (with high level of chronic states) and nurses with no chronic states (well-to-do group): in risk group, perceived job stress is significantly higher. Proactive coping strategies are quite high. Regression analysis did not reveal coping strategies as stress predictors. Three months after well-to-do nurses still perceived no high job stress, while in risk group perceived job stress increased.
Conclusions.Under pressure of unmanageable pandemic strain, self-evaluation of proactive coping possibilities in risk group and well-to-do group significantly diverged. Most likely perceived stressors are connected with the inability to manage work strain and to minimize the impact of its negative effects.
Keywords: work strain; job stress; job related stressful events; proactive coping strategies; burnout syndrome; nurses; COVID-19 DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.10
Psychological sciences on work and professionals in Lomonosov Moscow State University: 50th anniversary of work and engineering psychology departmentLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 4-28read more2625
Relevance. The paper outlines the main branches of research work and development projects carried out by researchers and lecturers of the Work and Engineering Psychology department, Faculty of Psychology. It studies the contribution of the four heads of the department (professors V.P.Zinchenko, E.A,Klimov, Yu.K.Strelkov, A.B.Leonova) to the development of the main research areas within psychology of work content and work environment, as well as in workers’ psychology.
Results. The main research results obtained by the department's staff are arranged according to the main areas of scientific research supervised by the head of the department: 1) The 60s and 70s: studies of cognitive and senso-motor processes in the work of automated system operators — the birth of engineering psychology (V.P. Zinchenko) and the revival of labor psychology (Yu.V. Kotelova); 2) The 80-90s (E.A. Klimov) - problems of human psychology as subject of labor: research of professional consciousness, work motivation, mental regulators of labor based on the psychological interpretation of the subject of labor activity and its components; 3) The first decade of the XXI century (Yu. K. Strelkov) - research of transport professions, the formation of a temporal approach in engineering psychology, methods for studying the operational and semantic experience of a professional; 4) 2015-2020 (A.B. Leonova) - a series of studies of occupational stress and other functional states on the basis of structural-integrative approach; problems of organizational psychology and cognitive ergonomics.
Conclusion. The study singles out and discusses prospective areas of future research, such as psychology of professional health, psychology of rest, psychology of security (of an individual, collective, organization, society as a whole); psychological study of the transformation of professionals’ psyche in the digital age, psychology of trust.
Keywords: work psychology; engineering psychology; organizational psychology; ergonomics; job; worker; job analysis DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.01
Psychological functional state self-regulation and professional successLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 1. p. 51-68read more5709
Relevance. The growing interest in assessment, development and maintenance of professional success is actual in the field of organizational psychology. It emphasizes the need to study the role of effective functional state self-regulation as a factor of professional success.
Objective. The objective of this article is the systematization of the results of a number of studies on the analysis of effective functional state self-regulation as a factor of professional success.
Method. The complex diagnostic package was used. It includes surveys and questionnaires for analysis of subjective image of working conditions and personal current functional state, means of functional state self-regulation, the symptoms of chronic negative functional states and professional personal deformation as consequences of functional state self-regulation system failure.
Results. The results revealed that the features of the effective functional state self-regulation system as a factor of professional success are associated with the plastic adaptation repertoire of self-regulation means and techniques of highly successful professionals, applied adequately to the working conditions of increased job intensity of short-term and prolonged type.
Conclusions. The obtained results confirm the key importance of specialists` functional state self-regulation in supporting and providing of professional success. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the tensed working condition.
Keywords: self-regulation; functional state; professional success; tensed job conditions; adaptation potential DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01.51
Structural-integrative approach to human functional states’ analysis: history and future developmentLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 1. p. 13-33read more8673
Relevance. It is stressed that the structural-integrative approach for human functional states’ analysis, elaborated at the end of 80s on the base of system analysis of work activity, formed the appropriate theoretical frame for evaluation and prediction of workability and reliability alteration. At present, in innovative work environment, this approach is still the adequate base for urgent and challenging issues, both scientific and practical, such as analysis of work activity regulation mechanisms in tensed work situations; evaluation of a state’s self-regulation in work conditions under long-term strain; elaboration of applied programs for the development of adaptation resources.
Objective. The article focuses on the basic issues of the structural-integrative approach, where a state is defined as a special structure of inner means for tasks execution regulation, acquired by a subject under specific work conditions to human functional states’ analysis. The main aim – the estimation of the approach capabilities for human functional states’ investigations in modern organizational and professional environment.
Method. Methods of multilevel assessment of a functional state’s manifestation are analyzed. The possibilities of data integration technologies, used for different functional states identification, are discussed. The different technologies for self-regulation of a state are viewed taking in account their capabilities to develop and improve the individual adaptation potential in work.
Results. The results of the main research based on the structural-integrative approach is overviewed. Special attention is given to the following question: is the structural-integrative approach worth implementation for the evaluation of a human functional state in applied research, when it is not possible to get data about manifestations of a state on all necessary levels - physiological, psychological (including cognitive and subjective sublevels) and behavioral. The example of such research is presented.
Conclusions. The results ofmore than 30 years of the structural-integrative approach implementation proved its efficiency for human functional states’ evaluation in dynamic work environment. The possibilities of the approach for functional states’ analysis under work conditions of high autonomy and self-determination in work tasks planning and execution are defined.
Keywords: human functional state ; self-regulation ; structural-integrative approach; activity regulation; adaptability DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01.13
Psychological problems of rest planning and rest arrangement: Proactive or reactive approachLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 2. p. 16-30read more7189
The empirical study is targeted to estimate the subjective value of rest and to analyze rest as an activity for efficient recovery. The study was conducted in employees of different industrial and service organizations. The results showed that mostly by all respondents rest is accepted as an important instrumental value for workability maintenance. At the same time, high rating positions of rest in the life values list does not always transform rest value into the intention to arrange recreation purposively. The type of attitudes to rest determines different approaches to rest arrangement: proactive (based on anticipative rest planning) or reactive (which manifest itself in acceptance of rest as necessary recreation combined with no special rest arrangements). The extraction of indirect rest attributes seems to be possible on the base of psychosemantic analysis of the notions form work and rest domains. The semantic distance evaluation of the work and rest notions allows revealing different meanings of recreation: as a forced necessity because of work and for work, or as a possibility for recovery.
Keywords: rest; work; recreation; recovery; rest as an instrumental value; proactive and reactive attitudes to res; psychosemantic analysis
Functional state self-regulation at different stages of professional developmentLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 2. p. 83-92read more4052
The empirical study of self-regulation means was conducted in employees with different levels of professional experience. The relevance of the study is based on the necessity of scientific data storage concerning human functional state regulation mechanisms. The aim — to reveal main job and organizational factors accepted by employees as the main causes of negative functional states dynamics, to describe the system of self-regulation means and to estimate how typical means correspond to organizational requirements. The results show that the novices tend to activate asocial and aggressive coping behavior as a response to emotional communications with clients and permanent work interruptions. Experienced employees report about more healthy typical coping means that are used in strict conformity with accepted organizational rules.
Keywords: functional state; self-regulation; coping behavior; effectiveness of self-regulation means