Leonova, A.B.

Doctor of Psychology
Professor, Doctor in Psychology, Professor in the Department of Occupational and Engineering Psychology
The role of individual factors in assessing the attractiveness of organizational cultureLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 123-141read more2228
Relevance. Recruitment and organizational culture can be important strategic resources for retaining the most promising employees and reducing organizational turnover.
The purpose of the work is to search for predictors of the organizational culture' attractiveness among individual factors of personnel with access to forecasting staff turnover.
Methods and sampling. A comprehensive study of employees of three industrial enterprises was conducted. A total of 131 people, 105 men and 26 women, took part in the study. The package of standardized methods included: "Questionnaire for assessing subjectively important performance characteristics", "Career anchors", "Diagnostics of the motivational structure", "Attractiveness of organizational culture”, "Assessment of the subjective attitude to organizational culture" .
Results. The result of statistical analysis was received four factor structure of the organizational culture' attractiveness: motivational factor, communicative interaction, stable operation and the uncertainty. The contribution of employees' individual factors for assessing the organizational culture' attractiveness of industrial enterprises was revealed. In order to reduce the potential employees' turnover, it is necessary to select personnel with attitudes to the balance of personal and professional life and without a motivation for management. The organizational culture should be focused on providing conditions for sustainable functioning – working hours, wages, working conditions. These factors are crucial for making a decision to leave the organization.
Conclusions. The data obtained in our study can be useful for HR managers and managers of industrial organizations. They can influence the employees' turnover by changing the organizational culture or selecting personnel with certain motivation.
Keywords: organizational culture; attractiveness of organizational culture; motivation; staff turnover DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.07
The future of psychology is important not to expect, but to do. To the 90th anniversary of the birth of Evgeny Aleksandrovich Klimov.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 29-40read more2473
Relevance. June 11, 2020 marked the 90th anniversary of Evgeny Klimov (11.06.1930-31.05.2014) birth, Doctor of Psychology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Russian Academy of Education (1994-2003), Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Goal. The introductory note is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of E.A. Klimov (1930-2014). Fragments of memoirs about the personality of the scientist by his students and colleagues are presented. The contours of his scientific contribution to the development of Russian psychology, his activities as a science organizer and teacher are outlined.
Results. The authors prepared for publication the scientist's manuscript, his speech to the participants of the student conference at Moscow University in 2002. In the text of E.A. Klimov presented the main ideas for the successful professional development of young psychologists, among them: the idea of the social significance of the profession; focus on business, and not on your career; assistance in improving the psychological culture of the people; the desire to separate new scientific knowledge from the redesignation of traditional knowledge with new words; development of methods of empirical research, including methods of analysis of unique cases; the conditions for the progressive development of psychology are indicated.
Keywords: creative heritage of E.A. Klimov; psychologist-researcher; teacher; organizer of science; personality; successful development of psychology; the main ideas of professionalization of psychologists DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.02
Psychological sciences on work and professionals in Lomonosov Moscow State University: 50th anniversary of work and engineering psychology departmentLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 2. p. 4-28read more2664
Relevance. The paper outlines the main branches of research work and development projects carried out by researchers and lecturers of the Work and Engineering Psychology department, Faculty of Psychology. It studies the contribution of the four heads of the department (professors V.P.Zinchenko, E.A,Klimov, Yu.K.Strelkov, A.B.Leonova) to the development of the main research areas within psychology of work content and work environment, as well as in workers’ psychology.
Results. The main research results obtained by the department's staff are arranged according to the main areas of scientific research supervised by the head of the department: 1) The 60s and 70s: studies of cognitive and senso-motor processes in the work of automated system operators — the birth of engineering psychology (V.P. Zinchenko) and the revival of labor psychology (Yu.V. Kotelova); 2) The 80-90s (E.A. Klimov) - problems of human psychology as subject of labor: research of professional consciousness, work motivation, mental regulators of labor based on the psychological interpretation of the subject of labor activity and its components; 3) The first decade of the XXI century (Yu. K. Strelkov) - research of transport professions, the formation of a temporal approach in engineering psychology, methods for studying the operational and semantic experience of a professional; 4) 2015-2020 (A.B. Leonova) - a series of studies of occupational stress and other functional states on the basis of structural-integrative approach; problems of organizational psychology and cognitive ergonomics.
Conclusion. The study singles out and discusses prospective areas of future research, such as psychology of professional health, psychology of rest, psychology of security (of an individual, collective, organization, society as a whole); psychological study of the transformation of professionals’ psyche in the digital age, psychology of trust.
Keywords: work psychology; engineering psychology; organizational psychology; ergonomics; job; worker; job analysis DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.02.01
Cognitive tasks performance in emotional tension increasingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 1. p. 69-90read more5533
Relevance. The problem of change in cognitive performance under more complicated activity conditions is of interest to psychologists and scholars in neuro- and informational sciences. Without its solution it’s impossible to model cognitive activity and predict its efficiency in different situations. Tasks that access attention and working memory resources are of particular interest. The level of emotional tension is often considered a factor hampering the task solution. Previously, authors showed that emotional tension leads to change in spatial distribution of attention and in cognitive strategies that provide solutions to more complex tasks.
Objective. To determine how test anxiety influences the mental rotation task performance.
Methods and sampling. Two groups of subjects were asked to solve the mental rotation task either under emotionally neutral conditions or under the conditions when task performance was significant to the subject. The emotional state of subjects was controlled with questionnaires. In addition, the individual level of stress resistance was measured.
Results. We obtained a linear effect of test-stimulus orientation on reaction time (that was Shepard and Metzler’s discovery). In the situation of emotional tension the average solving time slightly increased and the number of correct answers slightly decreased. Any significant change in task solving strategies was related to the level of stress resistance in subjects.
Conclusion. The cognitive strategies are transformed under impact of emotional tension and whether the subject would choose a constructive strategy or a non-constructive one depends on the subject’s stress resistance. Subjects with lower stress resistance have difficulty distributing cognitive resources, rotating figures in the mental space.
Keywords: cognitive resources; cognitive strategies; cognitive tasks; emotional tension; anxiety; test anxiety; stress-resistance DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01.69
Structural-integrative approach to human functional states’ analysis: history and future developmentLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 1. p. 13-33read more8862
Relevance. It is stressed that the structural-integrative approach for human functional states’ analysis, elaborated at the end of 80s on the base of system analysis of work activity, formed the appropriate theoretical frame for evaluation and prediction of workability and reliability alteration. At present, in innovative work environment, this approach is still the adequate base for urgent and challenging issues, both scientific and practical, such as analysis of work activity regulation mechanisms in tensed work situations; evaluation of a state’s self-regulation in work conditions under long-term strain; elaboration of applied programs for the development of adaptation resources.
Objective. The article focuses on the basic issues of the structural-integrative approach, where a state is defined as a special structure of inner means for tasks execution regulation, acquired by a subject under specific work conditions to human functional states’ analysis. The main aim – the estimation of the approach capabilities for human functional states’ investigations in modern organizational and professional environment.
Method. Methods of multilevel assessment of a functional state’s manifestation are analyzed. The possibilities of data integration technologies, used for different functional states identification, are discussed. The different technologies for self-regulation of a state are viewed taking in account their capabilities to develop and improve the individual adaptation potential in work.
Results. The results of the main research based on the structural-integrative approach is overviewed. Special attention is given to the following question: is the structural-integrative approach worth implementation for the evaluation of a human functional state in applied research, when it is not possible to get data about manifestations of a state on all necessary levels - physiological, psychological (including cognitive and subjective sublevels) and behavioral. The example of such research is presented.
Conclusions. The results ofmore than 30 years of the structural-integrative approach implementation proved its efficiency for human functional states’ evaluation in dynamic work environment. The possibilities of the approach for functional states’ analysis under work conditions of high autonomy and self-determination in work tasks planning and execution are defined.
Keywords: human functional state ; self-regulation ; structural-integrative approach; activity regulation; adaptability DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01.13
Complex psychological stress management techniquesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 3. p. 63-72read more8702
The purpose of the cycle of works — analysis of the syndromes of occupational stress, developing in the context of the implementation of the various modern types of labor, and individually-personal characteristics of the working of the human factors that determine resistance to stressful conditions of activity on the part of ensuring the success of the work safety of mental health and personal well-being. Describes two developed in the framework of structural-integrative approach to the stress analysis of a comprehensive technology for stress management: “Integrated assessment and correction of stress” and “Individual assessment of stress resistance”. Characterized by their application to solve practical problems in the prevention and correction of stress conditions of different types of labor.
Keywords: work activity ; occupational stress; stress-resistance; mechanisms of regulation of activity; psychological technology of stress management DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.03.63
Ideals of psychological science and practice in prof. E.A. Klimov worksLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 4. p. 4-14read more7610
The paper is devoted to the overview of the creative heritage of prof. E.A. Klimov (1930—2014) in relation to his 85th anniversary of the birth. There are described the main topics of his research; the proposed by him understanding the essence of psychology in the framework of modern issues on “science of sciences”; the role of systemic methodology in psychological researches, the main problems of teaching on psychology at universities; a specificity of practitioners’ thinking in comparison with a theoretical thinking; depicting the psychological qualities of psychologists as professionals. Special attention is paid to his outlooks on the history of psychology, to the relations between scientific and everyday comprehension of psychology, and to a responsibility of the scientific psychology to a society and a practice.
Keywords: psychology ; psychology of labour; creative heritage of prof. E.A. Klimov; systemic methodology of research; teaching on psychology; psychologist as a professional; the responsibility of scientific psychology DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.04.04
An instrument for evaluation of user satisfaction with a web-site interfaceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 1. p. 94-109read more4387
User satisfaction is one of the key characteristics of software products including the web-sites’ quality. An absence of generally accepted instruments for evaluation of the user satisfaction creates a significant impediment for empirical studies on usability of software products. In the paper there are discussed the results of elaboration of a new psychodiagnostic tool that can be used for these purposes. It is presented in the form of a standardized questionnaire with well-balanced content, high internal consistency and differential sensitivity. The instrument provides a multidimensional evaluation of user satisfaction as a way for ergonomic redesign of a web-site interface.
Keywords: user interface; web-site usability; user satisfaction; ergonomic evaluation of software products
Human reliability and stress management technologies in modern occupationsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 3. p. 69-81read more4579
The paper is devoted to consideration of the main research domains on the problems of human reliability and stress management that recently developed in the Laboratory of work psychology (Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University). There are discussed a new paradigm for the structural analysis of worker’s functional states and a hierarchical model of occupational stress elaborated in the framework of Leontiev’s activity theory. The appropriate set of criteria and methods for evaluation of personnel mental health and efficiency of organizational interactions were produced as a basis for creating goal-oriented stress management technologies, i.e. «Personal diagnostic and prevention of stress», «Assessment of the individual level of stress-resistance», «Self-regulation training and restoration program». They were carried out as the complex systems that provide a support in the work of psychologists in practice and demonstrate an efficient way of integrating the new conceptual approaches to the modern issues in the field of work, organizational and health psychology.
Keywords: psychology of labour; organizational psychology; occupational stress; mental health; psychodiagnostics; psychological support staff; psychological correction and prevention of stress
Occupational stress among different doctor’s specializationsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 3. p. 44-53read more4573
The article is about doctor’s occupational stress. The aim of this study was to define complex approach to doctor’s occupational stress development. The outcome of the study was definition of common and specific stress manifestation for different doctors group (physicians, surgeons and resuscitation experts). There are diverse ways to treat and correct occupational stress among different doctors specializations.
Keywords: doctor’s occupational stress; physician’s stress, surgeon’s stress, resuscitation expert’s stress
Organizational stress in bank staff activityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 1. p. 39-52read more4411
The authors give definition of organizational stress; approve a diagnosis model, study the influence of subdivision type on organizational stress specificity. as a result of research it was proved that the subdivision type isn’t a determinative factor of organizational stress in company.
Keywords: organizational stress; diagnosis of organizational stress; stress in banking activity