Lisitza, Irina A.

Ph.D in Psychology
Moscow, Russia
Computer testing and gamification: the perspectives of monitoring of the functional states of the personnel in the era of computerization of psychodiagnostics.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 4. p. 98-109read more6226
This short article discusses innovations in training and personnel assessment associated with the implementation of gamification of computer tools for learning and assessing (psycho-diagnostics). In the theoretical part of the article the authors give an operational definition of the term “gamification”, and also discussed factors that impede successful gamification — reduces the validity of computer psycho-diagnostic methods based on the use of game elements. In an experimental-methodological part of the article describes a new brief, threeminute computer technique for the estimation of a functional state called “The spoons”. This technique is a game modification of the classic “proof-reading test”. The authors publish data on a sufficiently high reliability and validity of the new method, confirming the possibility of its use as a tool for monitoring (operational security) functional status.
Keywords: personnel assessment; computer psychological testing; gamification; mental capacity; functional state; proof-reading test; account of visual objects DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.04.98