Golovey, Larisa A.

Doctor of Psychology
Professor, Doctor in Psychology
St Petersburg, Russia
The crises of the subject of activity in the early stages of professionalization.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 4. p. 47-54read more5924
The article presents the results of a study of professional development stages of crises in the choice of profession, vocational training, and at the initial stage of professional activity. We used the methods of a comprehensive program aimed at studying the performance of educational and professional development, the severity of the crisis experiences, personality traits and coping strategies. The sample included high school students, university students, and budding professionals. In total 1,500 people aged 15 to 28 years old. The study revealed a high prevalence of crises in all the studied stages of professional development. The content and extent of the crisis is determined by the stage of development experiences, personal resources, and social situation of development. It is shown that increasing the importance of the choice of profession stage for the subsequent stages of professional development.
Keywords: personality and professional development ; activity subject; personality ; coping resources; crisis DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.04.47