Marishchuk, Lyudmila V.

Doctor of Psychology
Doctor in Psychology.
Russian State Social University (branch in Minsk, Belarus)
To the question of abilities, professional suitability and professional psychological selection.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 4. p. 26-38read more9733
The article analyzes the concepts of “Ability”, “Professional suitability”, “Professional psychological selection”, in the development and understanding of which a significant contribution was made by E.A. Klimov. Professional psychological selection is considered as a system, the systemforming factor of which is the professional suitability of a person who chooses a specific profession. The content of the concept of ability includes the motivation and experience (knowledge, skills, and abilities) of the individual, by analogy with the dynamic functional structure of personality developed by K.K. Platonov. Its own definition of the term “Abilities” is presented.
Keywords: ability; professional suitability/unfitness; professional psychological selection; motivation; knowledge; skills DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.04.26