Konovalova, Alexandra M.

Specialist in educational and methodical work of the 1st category of the faculty of psychology of Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Department of pedagogy and medical psychology, faculty of higher nursing education and psychological and social work of the First Moscow state medical University named after I. M. Sechenov.
Moscow, Russia
Factors related to disrespectful attitude to parents in adolescentsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 3. p. 69-87read more3029
Relevance. The article is devoted to the study of adolescents who do not have evaluative and/or prescribed respect for their parents as well as presents factors associated with disrespectful attitude to their parents: gender, family composition, financial security of the family, social status of the parent, features of upbringing and child-parent relationships. The disrespect for parents has not yet been studied in detail.
Objective. Identification of factors contributing to disrespectful attitude of adolescents towards their parents.
Sample. In total, 294 people participated in the study: 218 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years; 76 parents of these adolescents aged 33 to 48 years.
Methods: Adolescents were offered the author's questionnaire “Respect for Parents”, the ADOR method – “Adolescents about Parents”, Parents answered questions from “Analysis of Family Relationships” (AFR).
Results. Four groups of adolescents were identified based on cluster analysis of “Respect for parents” method: respectful, disrespectful, evaluatively respectful, and prescriptively respectful. It was found that boys do not respect their parents more often than girls. Adolescents from single-parent families are also more likely to disrespect their parents. The gender of the parent is not related to respect indicators. The social success of the parent and the financial security of the family are important factors associated with the respect of adolescents for their parents. The relationship of a large number of features of parenting and child-parent relations (both in the perception of adolescents – ADOR method and their parents – AFR method) with indicators of respect for parents among adolescents was analyzed.
Conclusion. Adolescents may not have evaluative respect (conscious deference, the result of evaluating a person) or prescribed respect (the result of assimilating social norms of honoring elders) for their parents, or they may not fully respect them. Adolescents do not respect parents who lack psychological acceptance of children, lack parental feelings, and are hostile to them. Also, adolescents do not respect parents who show dominant hyperprotection
Keywords: respect for parents; disrespect for parents; adolescents; single-parent families; child-parent relationships DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.03.04