Zentsova N.

Ph.D in Psychology.
Moscow, Russia
The dynamics of life meaning orientations in individuals with opioid dependence involved in the rehabilitation programs of religious and secular type.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 3. p. 49-59read more4183
The paper presents the results of studying the dynamics of life meaning orientations in individuals with opioid dependence involved in the rehabilitation programs of religious and secular type. The study revealed that the process of qualitatively organized inpatient spiritually oriented rehabilitation program (SORP) allows you to change the individual drug addicts in the general sections of the meaningfulness of life, purpose and significance in the process of living, meeting process, the meaningfulness of the past, present and future, as well as the impact of life to a greater extent than would be possible to make a non-religious therapy communities. In the SORP the dynamics of subscales “locus of control — I” and “locus of control — the life” are poorly expressed, in some cases negative, indicating a need to connect the programs aimed at developing participants rehabilitants rehabilitation programs and degree levels of self-responsibility for the study and solution of life’s goals and objectives.
Keywords: opium addiction; spiritually oriented rehabilitation programs (SORP); existential psychotherapy; life meaning orientations
Peculiarities of cognitive factors of psychosocial adaptation of heroin addicted peopleLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 3. p. 88-95read more3441
This research is about defining specific character of quantitative, structural and functional characteristics of psychological adaptation. As a result of it was found that it typical for opium (heroine) addicted patients not to understand the connection between behavior and consequences. This leads to making mistakes of psychosocial character and creating of conflict relations with people around. The reason for this is undeveloped social intellect of such patients. Moreover, the factor of psychosocial adaptation like empathy is lower in drug addicted patients. Communicate competence, presenting itself the sum of knowledge and skills about partners they communicate with and about the communicative process as a whole, is closely related to the factor mentioned above.
Keywords: psychosocial adaptation; psychoactive substances; cognitive factors; heroin addiction
Сognitive-behavioral model of preventive maintenance of relapse at a drug addictionLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 1. p. 81-89read more4067
The cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is a recognized method of treatment addictive personality disorder. the special place is given to self-efficiency, situations of high risk of failure, to formation and an effective utilization of skills of successful psychosocial adaptation (skills of effective interaction including development with a social environment, empathy development, formation of the positive «I-concept» and communicative skills).
Keywords: coping behavior; drug addiction; prophylaxis recurrence; cognitive-behavioral approach; psychosocial adaptation