Morosanova, V.I.

Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Selfregulation, Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research.
Conscious Self-regulation, School Engagement, Teaching Quality as Resources for Students' Subjective Well-being and Academic PerfomanceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2025, 1. p. 55-77read more42
Background. The study of psychological resources for academic achievement and subjective well-being in students is a significant area in educational sciences. This article presents the results of an empirical study in which conscious self-regulation, teaching quality subjectively assessed by students, and school engagement are considered as such resources.
Objective. The goal of this study was to reveal the influence of these phenomena on the subjective well-being and academic achievement of students, and to establish indirect and mediating effects of this influence.
Study Participants. The study involved adolescent students (N = 559, 53% girls, average age 12.96, standard deviation 0.91).
Methods. The instruments included: Morosanova’s “Self-Regulation Profile of Learning Activity Questionnaire” (Morosanova, Bondarenko, 2017); E. Irving’s questionnaire for assessing teaching quality adapted by Lunkina et al. (2023); “Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale” (O.A. Sychev et al., 2018). Academic performance was assessed by the average grade in the main subjects for the previous academic term.
Results. It has been shown that teaching quality, school engagement, and conscious self-regulation are significantly associated with student well-being and academic success. School engagement is a significant predictor to both academic performance and satisfaction with school; psychological support and self-regulation make a significant direct contribution into students’ well-being. Application of the methods of structural modelling revealed that teacher’s psychological support more effectively influences student engagement when mediated by conscious selfregulation: the higher the development of mindful self-regulation, the greater the positive impact on academic performance, well-being, and school engagement. The contributions of self-regulation and perceived psychological support are roughly comparable, while the contribution of school engagement is more substantial. The age of the students is a significant moderating factor.
Conclusions. The results are discussed in the context of developing effective strategies to improve the quality of education, maintain the subjective well-being, and engage modern school students. Subjectively assessed psychological support from teachers acts as both a direct positive predictor of school subjective well-being and indirectly influences it through self-regulation and engagement. Results have been obtained substantiating the meta-resource role of mindful self-regulation in determining academic achievement and well-being of students.
Keywords: conscious self-regulation ; subjective well-being ; school engagement ; resource-based approach; quality of teaching DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-25-03
Regulatory Resources of Professional Self-Determination in Students Under Stress: Research Approaches and Theoretical FoundationsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2024, 2. p. 31-60read more1020
Background. The relevance of the study is due to the need for investigating the professional development of senior schoolchildren and students under the conditions of increasing influence of stress factors.
Objectives. The study set the purpose to review and analyze modern scientific ideas on the problem of psychological resources of professional self-determination in students under stress.
Methods. Search for and analysis of recent theoretical and empirical research publications was carried out. Abstraction, and generalization of obtained data relevant to the topic of the article were applied. Methods also included identification of theoretical foundations and promising directions for research into the problem of psychological resources of professional self-determination of students under stress.
Results. Analysis of the recent publications allowed to reveal conceptual differences in understanding the phenomenon of professional self-determination of the individual. It identified a variety of approaches to the study of human professional behaviour. The authors highlighted and characterized the main directions of modern research on the topic discussed, indicating the demand for studying human professional behaviour in the changing conditions of life. The study systematized theoretical foundations and empirical data on the psychological resources for students’ professional self-determination and for overcoming life stress.
Conclusions. The study revealed the potential of a resource-based approach to the study of the stress influence on the professional self-determination of students and substantiated the role of conscious self-regulation resources in choosing and mastering a profession.
Keywords: professional self-determination ; conscious self-regulation ; resources; stress; schoolchildren; students DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-24-14
The role of conscious self-regulation in the dynamics of cognitive activity and cognitive engagement of students during the transition from secondary to high school: a longitudinal studyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 4. p. 200-223read more1561
Background. A decrease in cognitive activity and the occurrence of various deficits with a general decrease in a positive attitude to learning creates difficulties in learning during the transition to high school. It becomes important to identify regulatory resources for development of cognitive activity and engagement during the period before the 9th grade, as well as at the beginning of high school.
Objective — to identify the dynamics of cognitive activity and engagement during the transition from middle to high school and to assess the contribution of conscious self–regulation of eighth graders to this dynamic in the 9th and 10th grades.
Sample. 156 eighth graders aged M=13.88; SD=0.445. In the 9th and 10th grades, repeated examinations were carried out using the same methods. As a result, longitudinal data was collected at three points.
Methods. "Attitude to learning in middle and high school" (I.N. Bondarenko, I.Yu. Tsyganov, V.I. Morosanova). "Multidimensional scale of school engagement" (T.G. Fomina, V.I. Morosanova). Questionnaire of V.I. Morosanova "Style of self-regulation of learning activity, SRLAQ-M" (V.I. Morosanova, I.N. Bondarenko).
Results. We revealed between individual differences in the trajectories of cognitive engagement, but they were not revealed for cognitive activity. It is shown that in order to successfully maintain cognitive activity and engagement in high school, it is important to achieve the maximum level of their development in the 8th grade, a year before the state exams. Longitudinal analysis has shown that school engagement is more associated with conscious self-regulation in comparison with cognitive activity, which significantly depends on external factors. Conscious self–regulation, fulfilling its resource role, on the one hand, makes a direct contribution to the level of development of these characteristics, on the other hand, prevents their sharp decline in case of difficulties or temporary failures.
Conclusion. The development of conscious self-regulation in secondary school is able to compensate for the negative trends of falling cognitive activity and engagement that occur in high school students.
Keywords: cognitive activity; school engagement; conscious self-regulation; longitudinal study; high school students DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.04.09
Conscious self-regulation as a metaresource for achieving goals and solving the problems of human activityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 1. p. 4-37read more4844
Background. In political, economic, social and environmental crisis conditions, a great importance is given to the investigation and search for the human psychological resources, which make it possible to successfully cope with usual and challenging life tasks in the conditions when the world order and the life styles drastically change.
Objective of this article is to summarize the results of theoretical and empirical research for developing the resource approach to the study of the conscious self-regulation of human activity considered as a system of psychological means of consciously setting the goals and managing their achievement.
Design. The resource approach provisions were substantiated theoretically and verified empirically in the laboratory of the self-regulation psychology of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education." The studies were carried out on the large samples of schoolchildren, students, and professionals. Cognitive, personality and regulatory techniques included questionnaires and experimental tasks. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal design were applied.
Results. The generalization of the empirical results made it possible to verify the developed scientific ideas of the conscious self-regulation of achieving goals as a system of the human universal and special regulatory resources, depending on the “globality” of the tasks they are intended for. The person’s regulatory competences implementing this system contribute to the productive aspects of achieving educational and professional goals. They also serve as a mechanism for mobilizing, coordinating, mediating and accumulating the entire palette of other individual resources and human reserves for solving various problems in human activity. Among these tasks are the personality self-development and self-education, professional self-determination, maintaining and increasing psychological well-being.
The development of the conscious self-regulation resources contributes to successful learning and work in the context of rapid digitalization, serves as the basis for adaptation and formation of new self-organization of life, and also prevents acute stress reactions and negative emotional states under conditions of the coronavirus pandemic.
Conclusions. Conscious self-regulation is a human meta-resource, since it not only makes a significant contribution to achieving the goals of practical activity, but also contributes to solution of the broader life tasks.
Acknowledgments: The study was funded by Russian Science Foundation according to the research project № 20-18-00470 «Self-regulation and school engagement as psychological resources of academic success: a longitudinal study»
Keywords: conscious self-regulation; meta-resource; special resources; universal resources; education; well-being; digitalization; pandemic DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.01.01
Russian adaptation and validation of the “multidimensional school engagement scale”Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 3. p. 194-213read more3390
Relevance. Research in the field of educational psychology is impossible without reliable and effective psycho-diagnostics methods for assessing students' motivational, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics.
Objective. The article describes results of adaptation and validation of the Russian version of “Multidimensional School Engagement Scale” (Wang et al., 2019). School engagement is seen as the sustainable, purposeful, active participation of students in their school life manifested at the behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and social levels.
Methods. A psychometric assessment of the method was carried out on a sample of the 6–11 grade students of Russian secondary schools (N = 687). In the process of adapting the questionnaire for Russian-speaking students, a direct and reverse translation of the questions was carried out and the factor structure of the questionnaire was investigated using confirmatory factor analysis, factor validity of the model invariance depending on gender, scales’ internal consistency and external validity was also checked.
Results. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that original bi-factor structure of the questionnaire was preserved identifying two global factors: engagement and disengagement (χ2 (563) = 1252.66; p = 0.00; CFI = 0.938; GFI = .907; RMSEA = 0.042). The scales of the questionnaire have a sufficiently high reliability according to the internal consistency of their points (Alpha Cronbach from 0.63 to 0.90). The number of questions included in the Russian version corresponds to the original version of the questionnaire.
Conclusions. The study results confirmed the relevancy of considering engagement a multidimensional construct including an assessment of behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects. The questionnaire can be used on the samples of students in grades 5 to 11. The article contains the text of the questionnaire, instructions and key.
Keywords: school engagement; motivation; confirmatory factor analysis; validity DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.03.09
Self-regulation reliability as resource of goal achievement in high-risk occupationsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 1. p. 77-95read more3680
Relevance. In occupations with high demands for resistance to stress, the reliability of conscious self-regulation is considered an important factor ensuring personnel reliability. This interdisciplinary study takes place at the intersection of general psychology, psychology of self-regulation, labor psychology, professional psychology, and extreme psychology.
Objective. To study the reliability of self-regulation as a universal and special resource for achieving goals under stressful conditions in high-risk occupations.
Methodology. Representatives of high-risk occupations – sailors (N = 139), pilots (N = 33), rescuers (N = 123) – and low-risk professions (teachers, N = 154) took part in the study. Individual differences in self-regulation and its reliability under stress were assessed by means of the Self-Regulation Profile Questionnaire (V.I. Morosanova & N.G. Kondratyuk, 2011).
Results. Self-regulation and its reliability in stressful conditions were found to be significantly greater among the high-risk professions than the low-risk ones. There were no significant differences in self-regulation reliability between the different groups of high-risk professionals.Using one-way ANOVA and Cohen’s effect size measures, differences in self-regulation variables were found between experts and novices for different professional groups. Among sailors and pilots, significant differences were found between experts and novices only for one variable: reliability of self-regulation. Quite the opposite result was obtained for the teachers: Experts differ significantly from novices in all self-regulation parameters except for reliability of self-regulation.
Conclusion. The study substantiated the view that reliability of self-regulation is a universal and special regulatory resource for professional goal achievement. The research results allow us to conclude that in high-risk occupations, reliability of self-regulation may serve as a professional resource ensuring efficiency, faultless operation, and safety.Keywords: stress; high-risk occupations; self-regulation reliability; regulatory resources DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.01.05
The program of development a conscious self-regulation as a means of improving the reliability of learning activities of students in the exam situation: experimental verification of its effectivenessLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 4. p. 55-65read more7083
The article contains an overview of the program developed by the authors for improving reliability of students’ performance in the exam situation by means of conscious self-regulation. It also provides the results of the program’s efficiency experimental verification on the sample of 57 students (17-18 years) of the 11th grade of a Moscow Secondary School. The multiscale questionnaire “Learning Activity Self-Regulation Style” (SSUD-M, Morosanova) and Russian adaptation of Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI, Spilberger) were used for diagnostics. The obtained data analysis revealed statistically significant changes in the regulatory parameters and anxiety indicators in the experimental and control groups (29 and 28 pers. accordingly). Experimental group demonstrated increased value of regulatory parameters of modelling, evaluation, flexibility, reliability, responsibility, and general level of self-regulation as well as decreased values of disquiet and general anxiety levels. Comparing the academic grades, primary and final state exam marks showed, that experimental group demonstrated higher reliability of educational actions than control group. The effectiveness of the practical application of program for developing conscious self-regulation as a means of improving the reliability of educational actions in exam situations considered to be experimentally proved.
Keywords: perceived self-control; learning activity; reliability of educational action; anxiety DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.04.55
Personal and regulatory predictors of academic success and reliability of actions of students in exam situationLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 4. p. 4-17read more8147
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the role of conscious self-regulation in reliability of actions of students in exam situation. Participants were 231 16—18 year old students. The results showed that reliability of regulation (stability of the basic regulatory characteristics in a stressful situation) is the basis of the reliability of action of students with different level of academic success. The study describes the characteristics of the reliability of learning actions of students. We compared personal and regulatory characteristics of high school students with different level of reliability of actions and academic success. We found that students with the highest score on the exam have a low level of anxiety and a high level of conscious self-regulation (especially regulatory reliability). The results of research suggest that individual system of self-regulation plays a significant role in reliability of actions of students in exam situation and provides new information about how we can ensure reliability of actions of students in exam situation.
Keywords: perceived self-control; stylistic features; learning activity; reliability of actions; examination success
Relationship between psychometric intelligence, conscious self-regulation of learning activity and academic achievements of gifted adolescents.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 3. p. 18-32read more6374
The aim of this study is to find out the reason why intellectually gifted adolescents may have poor academic achievements. Comprehensive analysis of psychometric intelligence, conscious self-regulation of learning activities and academic achievements relationships was carried out on a sample of 87 students aged 14—16 years. All of them attended school for gifted adolescents Sozvezdie and enrolled in a special academic program (A Gifted Child). A comparison of KFT and SSUDM questionnaires average values (on standardization and study samples) showed that gifted adolescents have higher levels of conscious self-regulation and regulatory processes of planning, modeling, and programming than their ordinary peers. The relationships between all regulatory processes, overall level of conscious self-regulation and IQ level with academic achievements in humanities and sciences were established. It was also proved that conscious self-regulation mediates students’ academic achievement. It can be concluded that high self-regulation of educational activity is as important for academic achievements as high IQ-level. Only the students who are initiative in regulating learning process as well as their activity in school can achieve the highest results. Thus, initiativity and autonomy are the link between the motivational sphere, IQ and the system of conscious self-regulation of educational activities.
Keywords: self-regulation ; gifted adolescents; intelligence; initiativity; autonomy
Individual differences of self-regulation of human voluntary activityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 1. p. 36-45read more6349
This research is devoted to the investigation of the role of conscious self-regulation in human development and activity. The concept of conscious self-regulation of a subject’s voluntary activity and the history of its research conducted in Psychological Institute RAE are discussed. The results of the research dedicated to the typology of individual styles of self-regulation and their relationship with educational and professional activity effectiveness are presented. Personal dispositions have specific influence on the individual peculiarities of regulatory profile. It is concluded that the integrated system of individual self-regulation includes dynamic and content aspects of a personality, its conscious and subconscious structures for development and achievement of goals.
Keywords: perceived self-control; subject; personality ; individual style ; self-regulation profile ; personality traits