Kukoleva, Kseniya I.

HSE University
Moscow, Russia
Connection of selfactualization and egocentricity in the age of early adulthoodLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 1. p. 111-122read more6511
The Young Adults group (N=115) was chosen for the research. The qualitative data analysis has shown practically no significant correlations between selfactualization and egocentricity. Nevertheless, there were a few moderate and weak correlations between egocentricity and few selfactualization test scales what make us to consider selfactualization and egocentricity as complicated phenomena, which are connected with various factors such as labor activity, gender and age.
Keywords: self-actualization; egocentricity; young adults; self-acceptance; self-focused concept DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.01.111