Kurbatova, Tatiana N.

Ph.D in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology, docent
St Petersburg, Russia
Personal features of sexually active adoles cents.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 1. p. 96-110read more8107
The article represented the results of the comparative study of personal characteristics of adolescents with and without experience of sexual relations. Sample: 405 students (SaintPetersburg) at the age of 14—16 years: 228 sexually active (128 boys and 100 girls) and 177 non-sexually active (100 boys and 77 girls). Used techniques: “Teenagers about parents” by L . Wasserman, I. Gorkova, E. Romycin; Multifactor personality inventory “FPI” (form B) by I. Fainberg, H. Sarg, R. Gampel; Gordon Personal Inventory; “Selfactualization test” in the adaptation of the Y. Aleshina, L. Gozman, M. Zaika, M. Croz; The testquestionnaire selfrelation by V. Stolin, “The analysis of family relations” by E. Eidemiller, V. Ustitskis and author’s questionnaire. All the adolescents with sexual relations are distinguished from nonsexually active cause of high sociability, tendency to dominance and vigor. An additional factor that provokes a sexual relationship is an emotional distance from parents.
Keywords: sexual behavior; adolescence; personality characteristics; self-actualization; family relationships DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.01.96